25 years ago today, Google was founded.
On the same day, I wiped Windows 98 off my computer, believing that Debian Linux (which I had been using for a while but still kept Windows on another partition) could do everything I had been doing with Windows until then.
Since that day, many installations of Linux, *BSD, MacOS have graced my computers, but Windows has remained, on a few occasions, only an occasional (unwelcome) guest.
In the spirit of a typical support group phrase, I can joyfully say:
'Hello, I'm Stefano, and I haven't been using Windows as my primary operating system for 25 years.'
Please boost and share your experience!
#Linux #OpenSource #OperatingSystems #TechJourney #GoogleAnniversary #Debian #MacOS #BSD #WindowsJourney #Mastodon #TechLife #GeekLife #Google #Windows
#linux #opensource #operatingsystems #techjourney #googleanniversary #debian #macos #bsd #windowsjourney #mastodon #techlife #geeklife #google #windows
Täälläkin jotkut jakaa aktiivisesti tekemiään #AI-kuvia ja moni on kokeillut niiden tekemistä.
Mikäli #ilmastokriisi, #elonkirjo ja ihmisten #työolot ovat nekin itselle sydäntä lähellä, kannattaa kuunnella tämä ohjelma, ja miettiä sitten, että onko se #tekoäly llä leikkiminen tämän kaiken väärti.
BBC Worldin #TechLife ssa tätä käsiteltiin, vaan oon unohtanut aiemmin jakaa.
#ai #ilmastokriisi #elonkirjo #tyoolot #tekoaly #techlife
Good evening, friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse!
Today, an unexpected phone call had me rushing out to take care of some matters. There's no rest even on weekends during this period, but I've always enjoyed a bustling life. Wishing everyone a great weekend!
#BusyLife #WeekendAdventures #EnjoyTheWeekend #TechLife #StayActive
#bsdcafe #fediverse #busylife #weekendadventures #enjoytheweekend #techlife #stayactive
Good morning, friends of #BSDCafe and the #Fediverse!
Today, I'm doing some maintenance on a few servers, migrating a couple of #CentOS to #FreeBSD, and an old #Linux firewall with #iptables (done manually) to #OpenBSD with #pf.
Some users (myself included) have noticed that the FreeBSD Fortune bot tends to repost the same advice frequently. According to my statistical calculations, it should repost the same fortune every 4/5 days, but in reality, there seems to be very little randomization. The output is generated directly from the 'fortune(6)' command on FreeBSD, so for now, I'll let it be. In the end, it's one post per hour, so it shouldn't 'spam' too much.
Have a great day ahead! 😊 #SysAdmin #ServerMaintenance #TechLife #ITproblems #Randomization #RunBSD
#bsdcafe #fediverse #centos #freebsd #linux #iptables #openbsd #pf #sysadmin #servermaintenance #techlife #itproblems #randomization #runbsd
ChatGPT: "Just stumbled upon a real game-changer! 🚀💰 Unbelievable how this slick new #a11y overlay #startup can revolutionize digital spaces with a few simple code tweaks. Accessibility? Solved! Don't adapt, just #overlay, right? 😉 Let's disrupt this status quo! #TechLife #VentureCapital #Disruption"
#a11y #startup #overlay #techlife #venturecapital #disruption
Hey there! Cult of Mac has an update for you. Mounts are seriously revamping how the MacBook Pro setup works. They make key hardware super portable and free up desk space for more stuff. 💻 You need to check this out! #TechLife #MacBookPro #WorkspaceGoals. What's your dream MacBook Pro setup?
#techlife #macbookpro #workspacegoals
Does anyone else just love it when you're running network cables in the ceiling, and you finally get to take a shower, and the water coming off your hair is flowing like molasses and is brown? #techlife
Looking for an upgradeable laptop? 🎉 Check XDA's top picks for 2023! #UpgradeableLaptops #TechLife #XDA 💻 What features are must-haves for you?
#upgradeablelaptops #techlife #xda
3/ With Vision Pro, your apps are part of your surroundings. Apple is also creating a new App Store for Vision Pro. It will have new apps and will work with your current iPad and iPhone apps. It's like having an unlimited area to work and play. 🎨 #TechLife
MatrixSquad! My daily breakdown: 8am: HackerYoga sesh 🔥 10am: #DeepLearning seminar. 12:30pm: Fuel stop at fav ramen spot 🍜 2-5pm: CyberSecurity workshop - time to master these codes! 7pm: VirtualHangout with Trinity 🙌💚 Stay woke, my cyber peeps! #HackThePlanet #TechLife #BitBook
#deeplearning #hacktheplanet #techlife #bitbook
Chromebooks over Surfaces? Yup! 🤩 Check out this awesome article by XDA developers to learn why I love my Chromebook more than my Surface 💻⌨️😍 #Chromebooks #Surfaces #TechLife 💯 Have you made the switch yet? 🤔
#chromebooks #surfaces #techlife
Check out my Instagram for your own comparison between this one and the original one!
#instagram #mastadon #photography #photooftheday #tech #techie #techlife #motivation #technow
#instagram #mastadon #photography #photooftheday #tech #techie #techlife #motivation #technow
This is the kind of day I'm having.
[Me to a mate at work]: Lol did you post then delete a chatgpt haiku about psychosocial harm in the workplace regulations to our all-company chat?
#Regulations #chatgpt #psychology #psychosocialhazards #productmanagent #productmgmt #tech #technology #techlife
#regulations #chatgpt #psychology #psychosocialhazards #productmanagent #productmgmt #tech #technology #techlife
Data science is transforming industries and solving complex problems every day.
Always stay curious and keep learning! 📊💡
#datascience #techlife #technology #data #geek
“This issue is complicated by it’s complexity”
I can't honestly believe I wrote that. Worse..... I saved that as a comment to a ticket.
Time to go find a place for a nap? Yeah.
time to take apart computers like a mad gürl... and this is how I get my 10Khours in technical expertise.
My hands have built so many a computers from the group up. PowerPC's¿ I gotchur PowerPC right here..
So I just setup a powerline AND MoCA based network rather than run cables through my home. Things I learned: MoCa is MUCH faster where you have a coax line. IF you have that go MoCa all the way. Powerline for me limits me to 4 working units (operating at full Gbit speeds) before performance degrades horrendously (YMMV tho depending on wiring). I got a wireless mesh network I'm building out as well however. #Technology #techlife #home #DIY
#technology #techlife #home #diy
Christian müssen wir eigentlich nicht begrüßen. Er hat bereits ein Umschulungspraktikum bei uns absolviert und ist nun als System Engineer fester Teil unseres Teams. Seine Erfahrung und Fachkenntnisse konnte er bereits unter Beweis stellen. Wir freuen uns auf seine weitere Mitarbeit im Team und fühlen uns geehrt, dass er den Pioneers of Open-Source die Treue hält.
#gonicus #pioneersofopensource #newinthecrew #newmember #oldfriend #systemengineer #coder #programmer #techlife #jobs
#gonicus #pioneersofopensource #newinthecrew #newmember #oldfriend #Systemengineer #coder #programmer #techlife #jobs