@littletranspunk @empathicqubit EXACTLY THAT is the problem:
People.didn't get taucht #TechLiteracy but groomed into #consoomers!
@sophteis @scatty_hannah you don't teach them #TechLiteracy by weaponizing #NSA #collaborator's #Stalkerware against them...
Unless them hating you is an intended consequence.
#allgafamsareevil #stalkerware #collaborator #NSA #techliteracy
@scatty_hannah I think it's even easier:
Assuming kids will stay in said walled garden is naive at best if not intellectually insulting.
Because they won't unless they want to.
Pre-Elementary Children rarely do but by the time they get to middle school that ship has sailed...
"Child Protection" Software is almost exclusively being weaponized by #TechIlliterate #parents as #Stalkerware...
#Teaching Kids #MediaLiteracy & #TechLiteracy works far better!
#techliteracy #medialiteracy #teaching #stalkerware #parents #techilliterate
@bsi Das Problem ist ja dass jene Werkzeuge fast immer #Müll ausspucken UND zugleich wir mangelnde #TechLiteracy & #MediaLiteracy in der deutschen Gesellschaft haben.
Dementsprechend ist jene Technik die es trivialisiert #FakeNews to generieren unverantwortlicher als Jugendlichen ne durchgeladene und aufmunitionierte Maschinenpistole zu schenken!
#fakenews #medialiteracy #techliteracy #Mull
@ivy all whilst criminalizing #TechLiteracy harder than Saudi-Arabia does "Whitchcraft"...
@androcat @sammi @JorisMeys @alternativeto which is the exact opoosite.
I want to spread #TechLiteracy!!!
@neurovagrant no, because #Signal is a #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solition that is subject to #CloudAct and thus can't be secure by design.
If you really want #InfoSec, #OpSec, #ComSec & #ITsec, then #SelfHosting everything is key.
But that'll require #TechLiteracy and may not scale well...
IMHO self-hosting a #Zulip Server works good for organizational structures.
#zulip #techliteracy #SelfHosting #ITSec #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #cloudact #SingleProvider #singlevendor #proprietary #Signal
TBH imagine captain Picard handling keyboard and mouse; if the other interfaces are so much more intuitive, why would you learn them?
I won't learn to use punch cards ...
@FinalOverdrive @schrottkatze @enby_of_the_apocalypse @rechelon I know, but as much of a chaos as has been attributed to #Anonymous, they did some good...
And they did showcase that #TechLiteracy, #MediaLiteracy, #ITsec, #IfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec are essential...
#comsec #opsec #ifosec #ITSec #medialiteracy #techliteracy #Anonymous
@FinalOverdrive @rechelon yeah...
With the lack of #TechLiteracy and #MediaLiteracy comes the incapability to #Organize in a meaningful way without being snooped on by #Cops, #Parents, #Schools and/or whoever else.
Plus there was big #FUD against using #SocialMedia and posting stuff.
#SocialMedia #fud #Schools #parents #cops #organize #medialiteracy #techliteracy
@FinalOverdrive @rechelon good question...
I do however note a massive decline in #TechLiteracy aming people.
Like in 2019 when a high-school graduate with university eligibility starting an apprenticeship in some admin role at a client admitted to me that they have never before used a Keyboard and Mouse.
Like "Not used a PC that doesn't run Windows" Or "I've only used Macs" but like "How do I use a keyboard and mouse?"
@conansysadmin Good #cybersecurity warriors also teach these skills, so their successors can be even better at it.
#TechLiteracy is vital, and modern tools make it easier than ever!
Seriously, it gets really hard not sound like #Gilfoyle when people spend more energy agressively excusing ignorance and lazyness instead of teaching #TechLiteracy...
Needless to say that the non-teaching of #TechLiteracy and #MediaLiteracy including #ITsec, #InfoSec, #OpSec & #ComSec isn't an accident but systemically intended.
Because #TechIlliterate and/or #MediaIlliterate people are easy to control without being less productive in terms of taxable income as complete #Illiterates...
#illiterates #mediailliterate #techilliterate #comsec #opsec #InfoSec #ITSec #medialiteracy #techliteracy
@JorisMeys Maybe the correct solution is to teach #TechLiteracy?
Even if it's not easy...
Otherwise you could choose to be a "Benevolent Dictator" when it comes to #Tech and get them setup?
I did and do BOTH of these options...
@JessTheUnstill and they deserve #TechLiteracy and easy tools, too...
Luckily, the situation has become easier over time...
Russell Group advice on AI in academia:
1. Support AI-literacy
2. Support students to use #GenerativeAI appropriately
3. Teaching and assessment should include using AI ethically
4. Uphold #AcademicIntegrity and rigour
5. Collaborate on best practice
#AcademicMastodon #AIethics #RussellGroup #ChatGPT #Cheating #AIwriting #AIliteracy #TechLiteracy
#generativeAI #academicintegrity #AcademicMastodon #aiethics #russellgroup #chatgpt #cheating #aiwriting #ailiteracy #techliteracy
Das ist grundlegende #TechLiteracy.
Aber leider leben wir in einem.Land wo #Informatik kein #Pflichtfach ist, wo #Informatikunterricht nur #Mausgeschubse unter WinSchrott & Office ist und wo 2019 ne*n Abiturient*in & Anzubi*ne beichtete, dass jene bisher noch nie nen PC mit Tastatur & Maus benutzt hat und nicht weiß wie das geht...
#mausgeschubse #Informatikunterricht #Pflichtfach #informatik #techliteracy
@kirschner @digitalcourage @reticuleena yeah, we really need to get more #TechLiteracy out there, sonce schools won't deliver that at all...
@Jyoti yes, also we need to force people to learn tech and actual #TechLiteracy because they got groomed by the #GAFAMs into being #TechIlliterate Consoomers!
And that is bad...
#techilliterate #gafams #techliteracy