L’hybridation des enseignements, de quoi parle-t-on ? Une taxonomie de l’innovation pédagogique et des formes d’hybridations des formations #jeanfrancoiscéci #techne https://hal.science/hal-04171632/
#amsterdam #call-for-participation #social #techne #capital
#amsterdam #call #social #techne #capital
#Solarpunk #SocialEcology #Techné
When we #create new #technology, including #SocialTechnology, we should do so with the context in mind. Why are we creating it? Why are creating it in this way?
Technology should be created to meet some needs for the people who want it (not necessarily life-or-death needs), without creating or exacerbating needs for the people who don't. It should facilitate natural #diversity and fecundity, and serve a #regenerative and reciprocal #commons within the limits of #ecology. It should be freeing.
#solarpunk #socialecology #techne #create #technology #socialtechnology #diversity #regenerative #commons #ecology
When John #McDowell writes* that the #Greek term ‘#prattein’ (whence ‘#praxis’) as used by #Aristotle has a ‘quasi-technical restricted use’ not applicable to animals (unlike ‘voluntary #behaviour’), does the use of “technical” in McDowell’s construction mean something like #technē or rather #Eudaimonia-theoretic? If the former then it seems odd that #animals be ruled out so quickly. *The Role of ‘Eudaimonia’ in Aristotle’s Ethics’, in #Mind, #Value, & #Reality.
#reality #value #mind #Animals #eudaimonia #techne #behaviour #aristotle #praxis #prattein #greek #mcdowell
When John #McDowell writes* that the #Greek term ‘#prattein’ (whence ‘#praxis’) as used by #Aristotle has a ‘quasi-technical restricted use’ not applicable to animals (unlike ‘voluntary #behaviour’), does the use of “technical” in McDowell’s construction mean something like #technē or rather #Eudaimonia-theoretic? If the former then it seems odd that #animals be ruled out so quickly.
*The Role of ‘Eudaimonia’ in Aristotle’s Ethics’, in #Mind, #Value, & #Reality.
#reality #value #mind #Animals #eudaimonia #techne #behaviour #aristotle #praxis #prattein #greek #mcdowell