Profile now says it all but a pinned post can’t hurt.
Married. Father of two. North-west of England. Beard.
Studied #ComputerScience at university but currently a senior manager of a #TechnicalDelivery team. Try to keep up with #softwaredevelopment in my spare time.
Runner. Also follow #football (soccer) and #rugbyleague (#ManUtd and #WidnesVikings supporter). Gamer #PS5 #XSX #NintendoSwitch. I love a #beer. #ProWrestling fan. #StarWars fan. #LEGO fan.
Entrenched in the #Apple ecosystem.
#Apple #LEGO #StarWars #prowrestling #Beer #NintendoSwitch #xsx #PS5 #widnesvikings #manutd #Rugbyleague #Football #softwaredevelopment #technicaldelivery #computerscience