#ElonJet #Technicalities #HeOnceCalledAManAPedoButPalledAroundWithEpstein
Persistent Jack Sweeney brings back @ElonJet (but delayed) to Twitter | TechCrunch
#heoncecalledamanapedobutpalledaroundwithepstein #technicalities #ElonJet
If you don’t think your pairing is sitting well with you. And #commonalities and #technicalities aren’t quite making the communicate cut. #art
#commonalities #technicalities #art
If you don’t think your pairing is sitting well with you. And #commonalities and #technicalities aren’t quite making the communicate cut. #art
#commonalities #technicalities #art
@hakan_geijer the cat is sitting on the step BELOW the sign, so doing nothing wrong.😀 #cat #technicalities #rules
@HoldenRichards this is conchiglie and cheese ... I don't see any elbow macaroni in there ... ;)