Busy day yesterday - while I was out with part of our team in the Smoky’s assisting NPS with a missing person, another part of our squad was helping pluck a person from a swollen river half a state away! Never a dull moment some weekends. #Rescue #TechnicalRescue #SAR
Busy day yesterday running some mock rescues at a local quarry. Even though it was training, those are real people going over the edge three stories up, so definitely critical to be on top of the scenarios! Definitely a lot of dirt around too! #Rescue #Fire #EMS #TechnicalRescue
#technicalrescue #Ems #fire #rescue
Global News BC: Vancouver firefighters rappel down building to rescue trapped window washers https://globalnews.ca/news/9541270/vancouver-firefighters-rescue-trapped-window-washers/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VancouverFireandRescueServices #Vancouverfirefighters #trappedwindowwashers #highanglerescue #technicalrescue #roperescue #Canada #VFRS
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverfireandrescueservices #Vancouverfirefighters #trappedwindowwashers #highanglerescue #technicalrescue #roperescue #Canada #vfrs
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 12. From deep in the trenches, literally. Night #rescue operations training in trenches. It’s amazing that what is basically just a hole in the ground can exert so much force and energy. #TechnicalRescue
#technicalrescue #rescue #ArtAdventCalendar