The #FluidicTelescope (#FLUTE) project team, jointly led by #NASA and #Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, envisions a way to make huge circular self-healing mirrors in-orbit to further the field of #astronomy.
#fluidictelescope #flute #nasa #technion #astronomy
Wir hatten großes Glück – Zum Tod von Abraham Lempel und Jacob Ziv
Wenige Wochen nach seinem Mitstreiter Abraham Lempel ist am Wochenende Jacob Ziv gestorben. Die beiden gaben dem Kompressionsverfahren LZ77 ihren Namen.
#AbrahamLempel #Algorithmen #JacobZiv #Kompression #LZ77 #LZW #Technion #TerryWelch
#verpasstodon #abrahamlempel #algorithmen #jacobziv #kompression #lz77 #lzw #technion #terrywelch
Israels Top-Tech-Uni #Technion muss nach Ransomware-Angriff #Prüfungen verschrieben.
City of Oakland, Irish and Israeli universities suffer ransomware attacks
#technews #ransomware #oakland #mtu #technion
A friend said Israel's #Technion university's whole IT and LAN infrastructure is under a #ransomware attack. His devices were apparently unaffected but he can't do his work because he relies on #matlab, #labview which requires license servers :harold:. I gently recommended to
1. give #Octave a go, or rewrite things in :python: :blobcatfingerguns:
2. start changing passwords and use a password manager.
#octave #labview #matlab #ransomware #technion
Lautsprecher statt Kompressor: Wärmepumpen heizen mit Schall
"Thermoakustische" Wärmepumpen kommen ohne klimaschädliche Kältemittel und anfällige Mechanik aus. Zudem können sie einen größeren Temperaturbereich nutzen.
#Energie #Energiewende #Heizung #Helium #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #JamesWebbWeltraumteleskop #Klima #Kältemaschine #Kältemittel #Kältetechnik #Niederlande #PhasenwechselMedium #Phasenwechselspeicher #Technion #Thermoakustik #Wärmepumpen
#energie #energiewende #heizung #helium #jameswebbspacetelescope #jameswebbweltraumteleskop #klima #kaltemaschine #kaltemittel #kaltetechnik #niederlande #phasenwechselmedium #phasenwechselspeicher #technion #thermoakustik #warmepumpen
Hi #Science community,
I am Professor at the University of #York, United Kingdom working in #MaterialsScience on biological materials and #biominerals systems using #electronmicroscopy and #spectroscopy. I study #corals, #seashells, #bone and #teeth and #nanomaterials.
PhD at the University of #Hamburg and IST #Fraunhofer Institute in Braunschweig, did a #postdoc at the #technion in Israel, was reseach fellow at the University of #Bremen and Visiting Professor at the #University of #Illinois.
#science #york #MaterialsScience #biominerals #electronmicroscopy #spectroscopy #corals #seashells #bone #teeth #nanomaterials #hamburg #fraunhofer #postdoc #technion #bremen #university #illinois
Cortana und Alexa: Sicherheitslücke in Kombination #AmichaiShulman #Microsoft #Technion #YuvalRon #Artikel #Cortana #Amazon #Alexa
#amichaishulman #microsoft #technion #yuvalron #artikel #cortana #amazon #alexa