Apple products are awful.

In every possible way they are awful. It's their animators, PR and marketing departments that do the heavy lifting.

Independent media and dissenting voices are not allowed to survive and thrive on their fascist platfroms. Blocking is best. See Digital Feudalism Counter Action (DFCA).


#technoFascists #fapple #appleinc

Last updated 1 year ago

We think has to be about rejecting the monopolies and empowering small operators.

We just boosted something about limiting C.A.G.E.M.A.F.I.A. if interested. Its called and blocks the likes of Amazon, Cloudflare, Microsoft, Google etc. We have found it to be most beneficial.

Those who need to access a site operated by the can still do so using .

Its really great.

#humanecoding #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #technoFascists #torbrowser

Last updated 1 year ago

Wonder if will ever do an expose on CloudFlare or CAGEFAM… oh wait they are bribed by (ie. ) and use Akamai, a Microsoft-partner, for all their web content they serve.

> "You mist be logged in to access this content."

What will it take for Australia's to not be completely beholden to the ?

Maybe might lock them out of their next time they report a worthy story.

Will never happen.

#FourCorners #dotcons #facebook #NationalBroadcaster #technoFascists #cloudflare #bankAccount #TheFourthTurning

Last updated 3 years ago

If actually tried to make an implementation of that was even a little bit the browser would be more usable.

Currently a user can only use one at a time, and would need to manually change it away from the default, CloudFlare.

Its a bad implementation of () and it only serves CloudFlare.

#mozilla #dnsoverhttps #ethical #dnsresolver #doh #technoFascists #bigdata

Last updated 3 years ago

What we like about UBlock is it is really great at simply stopping the browsers from telling technoFascists like Google, (eg. ), and other operators that a site is visited.

Its good to prevent from gaining aggregate data on what ppl are accessing, because they'll use that to target ppl.

If we were Tor and had to choose whether to put UBlock or NoScript JS Chooser, we'd say both, but NoScript needs a basic slider option.

#amazon #scorecardResearch #trackingpixel #technoFascists

Last updated 3 years ago

Please remember that legacy still exists and they are making your fellow citizens really quite stupid. If the want more striken, unwell people they will make it happen.

We've said it once and we'll say it again.

1) Block .

2) Start your own zine, deliver it to ppl yourself, forget worrying about "wasting paper". As long as trees are growing the fascists like RupertMurdoch are using paper to abuse us.

3) Fight back before physical come.

#socialmedia #technoFascists #poverty #cageFam #drones

Last updated 3 years ago

Since the demise of NetNeutrality the decay has *really* accelerated.

We proposed an a while back to block the at the network level.

We estimate that if 2% of thinking people did this the dotCons would disentergrate overnight.

#lnternetLaw #technoFascists #cdns #corporateDictatorshipNetwork

Last updated 3 years ago

If only the defenders could do to CAGEFAM and other , what Russia is doing to .

Maybe we would be able to push the tidal wave of turd back a tonne.

#freedomsoftware #technoFascists #nato

Last updated 3 years ago

@purism @nicolef @jeffcliff
Wow. What is happening to tech? Twelve years ago they Sony and Japanese were fitting 1TB on a flepping !

Has this enjoyed a effort to the people or are the and Hollywood hoarding this tech for themselves now?

We are developing a taste for blood just reading about Bluray and knowing that are being systematically removed from the concept of computing.

#university #bluray #technology #trickledown #technoFascists #diskDrives

Last updated 3 years ago

Its not even a new language though. Clicking, typing dragging, most keyboard shortcuts are the exact same conceptually.

An analogy might be changing from a regular wooden pencil to a reloadable pencil, both to the same thing but Linux is potentially less wasteful, and easier to use.

We believe its imperative today to create conditions that awaken regular to the abuses of the .

They are now redefining (#)computing under our noses.

@alejandrobdn @retroedgetech

#useds #technoFascists

Last updated 3 years ago

If Bitcoin Dies, Freedom Dies With It ~ by

The flip-side of the same coin is if the persist on their current trajectory, basic and freedom will degrade heavily.

Despise the alarmist title some interesting links in this article.

#AndrewThrouvalas #technoFascists #democracy #bitcoin #censorship #crowdsourcing #environment #accountability #limitstogrowth

Last updated 3 years ago

Why do people not just block 'Google Everything' at the firewall?

You don't need to engage , or anyone claiming to be part of the regime.

We don't agree with everything people say online but we will fight defend their right to have us publicly ignore them.
@Marakus@poa.st @graf@poa.st @grey@poa.st

#technoFascists #technoFascist

Last updated 3 years ago

> Hides identity with and thinks that's enough to stop the .

#tor #technoFascists

Last updated 3 years ago

Imagine if we took our passion for justice, and really directed it towards ending the reign. Their results in the thoughts, feelings and desires of our loved ones on an hourly basis.

They are an hiding in layers of the and **you can** do more to shine a light on them.

Reclaim the open web.

#technoFascists #aggression #colonising #invisibleEnemy #networkStack #digitalcolonialism #cageFam #StopCloudflare #stopamazon #stopgoogle #stopfacebook #antitrust

Last updated 3 years ago

In 2014 when one country went into another we were readers.

We remember being so incensed…

Come 2022, we realise its problematic, but things are not as they are presented in . Having studied history and seen abuse first and 2nd-hand, we see through the narratives.

The greatest atrocity being commited is CAGEFAM's of . The block from accessing (and extract from us in myriad ways).

#theAmazonGuardian #legacymedia #monopolization #ourInternet #technoFascists #activists #bankAccounts

Last updated 3 years ago