Julie #Billaud: Administrative techniques devised to engage parties to a conflict "are changing as a result of external sources of pressure for ‘evidence-based programming’, turning personalised case-based monitoring into a new form of ‘audit culture’ based on statistical evidence. Paradoxically, relying on numbers to realise the utopia of ‘humanising war’ makes the very ‘humans’ who are supposed to benefit from it disappear from view."
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339326884_Masters_of_disorder_rituals_of_communication_and_monitoring_at_the_International_Committee_of_the_Red_Cross #RedCross #conflict #bureaucracy #humanitarian #quantification #technocracy #quantitative
#billaud #redcross #conflict #bureaucracy #humanitarian #quantification #technocracy #quantitative
A long - but relatively easy - read about democracy vs technocracy. As a 50ish Frenchman steeped in the ideals of the meritocratic / technocratic state, I have to say that it’s a rude awakening but one we need if we want to survive
the ecological crisis and its attendant fascistic political drive
#democracy #policy #fascism #technocracy #ClimateChange
I don't like to hardline or pick sides on #politics, but lately I've been thinking...
#Democracy and #Anarchy may be the only two truly legitimate #systems of #government: either power comes directly from the will of the people, or there is no power at all.
I feel like there might be room to discuss #technocracy / #meritocracy in there, or #Heinlein-esque rules about who gets to vote, but I just can't see the arguments for #monarchy / #dictatorship / #SingleParty being valid.
#singleparty #dictatorship #monarchy #heinlein #meritocracy #technocracy #government #systems #anarchy #democracy #politics
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Central Florida is the Leprosy Capital & Biometrics Integrations Look to the Future https://anchor.fm/loki-luck-3/episodes/Central-Florida-is-the-Leprosy-Capital--Biometrics-Integrations-Look-to-the-Future-e27huna /> #Florida #Biometrics #Technocracy #Nullification2023 #DemoniacResistance
#Florida #biometrics #technocracy #Nullification2023 #DemoniacResistance
the deadening impact of #technocracy on our mental lives, especially on the ways we think about war. As Mumford and other critics had foreseen, #technocratic #rationality could rationalize conduct that was essentially mad.
#domesdayclock #nucleardisaster #militaryindustrialcomplex #ukraine
#technocracy #technocratic #rationality #domesdayclock #nucleardisaster #militaryindustrialcomplex #ukraine
Technocratic 💩 ideology makes me so angry 🤬
Of course, in a videogame geoengineering could be fun. But we are talking about real, complex ecosystems with biological components we have very little idea about.
And then nice and intelligent people that could actually try to find real solutions and adaptations need to waste their time to investigate why idea xyz could have terrible outcomes on the ecosystems that constitute tha foundations of our biosphere.
Ffs. It feels like trying to argue with a conspirationist. You invest effort in explaining why chemtrails aren't behind climate change and they just answer "but the earth is flat anyway...". 🤦🤷
#GeoEngineering #Oceans #Technocracy #IronFertilization
@Snoro :ecoanarchism_heart:
#Geoengineering #oceans #technocracy #ironfertilization
“For anyone who thinks that the #Trilateral-Commission has no influence in today’s world, or indeed, is still calling all the plays, they are ignorant of history and the depth of entanglement that remains to this day. In fact, the Commission still controls all #economic policy within the White House and they are intent on driving the world into and through the Great Reset into #Technocracy.”
#Trilateral #economic #technocracy
#Technocracy and it's #technocrat marketers will provide all you need to be comfortable and entertained. Even while you sleep. On your side? NO Problem, slaves.
Announcing the new show and principles of decentralized living
Decentralize.TV - Episode 1 - June 6, 2023
#decentralizetv #crypto #cryptocurrency #freedom #privacy #finance #fiat #coins #tech #technocracy
#decentralizetv #crypto #cryptocurrency #freedom #privacy #finance #fiat #coins #tech #technocracy
Announcing the new show and principles of decentralized living
Decentralize.TV - Episode 1 - June 6, 2023
#decentralizetv #crypto #cryptocurrency #freedom #privacy #finance #fiat #coins #tech #technocracy
#decentralizetv #crypto #cryptocurrency #freedom #privacy #finance #fiat #coins #tech #technocracy
💫 Primary Investigator Tytti Vinainen: A Gengineer with some very different views on war. http://mage.gearsonline.net/anders/places/chantry/technocracy/tau.html#vinainen #magetheascension #progenitors #technocraticunion #technocracy #worldofdarkness
#magetheascension #progenitors #technocraticunion #technocracy #worldofdarkness
💫 The Internal Revenue Service: Everyone has to pay their taxes. Or else… http://mage.gearsonline.net/anders/factions/technocracy/nwo/irs.html #magetheascension #newworldorder #technocraticunion #technocracy #worldofdarkness
#magetheascension #newworldorder #technocraticunion #technocracy #worldofdarkness
The Supreme #Court is laughably #corrupt and always has been. It’s not some special #institution detached from #politics, it’s just hidden behind layers of #technocracy and #institutional gate keeping so people can’t see that it’s just as corrupt as the other two branches of #government.
#court #corrupt #institution #politics #technocracy #institutional #government #classwar #AusGov #politas
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Ultimate All-American Slush Fund & 8 Signs of the Control Freak Agenda https://anchor.fm/loki-luck-3/episodes/The-Ultimate-All-American-Slush-Fund--8-Signs-of-the-Control-Freak-Agenda-e26040u
#Pentagon #Technocracy #PoliticalCorruption #Nullification2023 #DemoniacResistance
#Pentagon #technocracy #politicalcorruption #Nullification2023 #DemoniacResistance
Les violences policières à Sainte-Soline pointées du doigt par les experts de l'ONU https://bonpote.com/les-violences-policieres-a-sainte-soline-pointees-du-doigt-par-les-experts-de-lonu/?fbclid=PAAaZURm_L0pSbyVIDBnS3bBDdEt7zLSFF0Wv0l7duqxyk6rE9Zt8aT1T-GUw
>Les experts des Nations Unies ont exprimé leur inquiétude face aux allégations d’un usage excessif de la force lors des récentes
#france #water #technocracy #repression #neoliberalism #ecofascism
#france #water #technocracy #repression #neoliberalism #ecofascism
You will eat bugs and let robots do the work.🤣
"I must be missing a chip in my brain or something. Why have I never been blown away by the advances in #technology that attempt to replace humans? I mean, I am fascinated by the next great #robot vacuum cleaner, or a car that will pick you up after you’ve had your fine cricket dinner at the Four Seasons, but my fascination dissipates quickly...." https://off-guardian.org/2023/05/27/blinded-by-the-next-great-thing/ #Technocracy #Technocrats #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Robotics #Robots
#technology #robot #technocracy #technocrats #ai #artificialintelligence #robotics #robots
💫 Research Director Wolfgang Sparrel: A dynamic and powerful Progenitor. http://mage.gearsonline.net/anders/places/chantry/technocracy/tau.html#sparrel #magetheascension #progenitors #technocraticunion #technocracy #worldofdarkness
#magetheascension #progenitors #technocraticunion #technocracy #worldofdarkness
All you need is few experts and scientists and the society can be herded to any direction
#technocracy #oligarchy #tyranny #covidhoax
#technocracy #oligarchy #tyranny #covidhoax
Extra#2 from Choosing Health, Freedom, & Life in the Face of COVID & Impending Global Tyranny. Please watch & share: https://bit.ly/3m6aHEY
#Biotech #ProblemReactionSolution #HegelianDialectic #NeverLetACrisisGoToWaste
#WEF #NWO #Totalitarianism #ClimateChange #FoodSecurity #AI #Transhumanism #human2point0 #medicaldictatorship #surveillanceundertheskin #mybodymychoice #justsayno #medicalfreedom #Technocracy #freewill #nanotech #newworldorderagenda #freehumanity #Eugenics #Depopulation #populationcontrol #populationreduction
#populationreduction #populationcontrol #depopulation #eugenics #freehumanity #newworldorderagenda #nanotech #freewill #technocracy #medicalfreedom #justsayno #mybodymychoice #surveillanceundertheskin #MedicalDictatorship #human2point0 #transhumanism #ai #foodsecurity #climatechange #totalitarianism #nwo #wef #NeverLetACrisisGoToWaste #hegeliandialectic #ProblemReactionSolution #biotech