Cars, after all, are nightmares of privacy invasion and rent-extraction, the source of #autoenshittification on a massive scale, a mobile form of #technofeudalism:
#autoenshittification #technofeudalism
This compliance in the #UK to, as you've said "#brainwashing", would not surprise us. There is also #indoctrination going on closer to home in our own local part of #Australia — and it has nothing to do with China.
Our #media get big #advertising revenue from the likes of #dotCons Goo', (Sc)Amazon, Apple, and other mega-corps. As a result they produce messaging that supports these #oligarchs and never really, never properly, challenge the current progression into #technoFeudalism.
#uk #brainwashing #indoctrination #australia #media #advertising #dotcons #oligarchs #technofeudalism
Computers are going backwards at a staggering rate.
Ten years ago you could share a large file with your friends and family without Goog, (sc)Amazon or other CAGEMAFIA systems involved in the process — today, this is almost impossible, without #I2P.
If you thought #Onionshare might work, it was not functional last we tried using it.
#technoFeudalism #smartDevices #dangerousDevices #computers #computing #generalComputing #useI2P
#i2p #onionshare #technofeudalism #smartDevices #dangerousdevices #computers #computing #generalcomputing #usei2p
STOP WAITING FOR gutless #politicians to enforce #antitrust.
This #firewall for #linux not only blocks the likes of #Amazon, Microsoft, #Cloudflare, 'Twitter-buyer', #Google, and a few others, but also *tells you* with a little notification when it does.
Find #DigitalFeudalismCounterAction here:
…also here:
Find #torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p (I2P link).
#dfca #fediBlock #technoFeudalism #stopTechnoFeudalism #cageMafia #dotCons
#politicians #antitrust #firewall #linux #amazon #cloudflare #google #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #torrent #dfca #fediblock #technofeudalism #stoptechnofeudalism #cageMafia #dotcons
I wasn't sure what to think about Google's standard proposal for Web Environment Integrity (what a vague and harmless-sounding name 🙄). Then I read this excellent piece by @pluralistic :
It's pretty clear to me we must oppose this 🔥. Let's _not_ install killswitches in our own browsers, especially now that we're doing everything over the internet.
#webenvironmentintegry #technofeudalism
"This is the urinary tract infection business model: without digitization, all your car's value flowed in a healthy stream. But once the car-makers add semiconductors, each one of those features comes out in a painful, burning dribble, with every button on that fakakta touchscreen wired directly into your credit-card."
#Cars #enshittification #technofeudalism #capitalism #rentSeeking
#cars #enshittification #technofeudalism #capitalism #rentSeeking
#Elon88Musk is a Feudalist
"This is #TechnoFeudalism. Whereas capitalists are seek profits (income from selling things), feudalists seek rents (income from owning the things other people use)."
This is #technofeudalism. Whereas capitalists are seek profits (income from selling things), feudalists seek #rents (income from owning the things other people use). If Telsa were a capitalist enterprise, then entrepreneurs could enter the market and sell mods that let you unlock the functionality in your own car:
Autoenshittification - #digitization #car #capitalism #innovation #repairwars #technofeudalism
#digitization #car #capitalism #innovation #repairwars #technofeudalism
#TechnoFeudalism #Capitalism #RentSeekers #EVs #RightToRepair
“But capitalism has finally run out of gas. In his forthcoming book, Techno Feudalism: What Killed Capitalism, Yanis Varoufakis proposes that capitalism has died – but it wasn't replaced by socialism. Rather, capitalism has given way to feudalism:…
“Today, we live in a rentier's paradise. People don't aspire to create value – they aspire to capture it. In Survival of the Richest, Doug Rushkoff calls this "going meta": don't provide a service, just figure out a way to interpose yourself between the provider and the customer:…”
From: @PhilippBayer
#technofeudalism #capitalism #rentseekers #evs #righttorepair
#Doctorow stimmt hier #Varoufakis zu: #Kapitalismus ist vorbei, jetzt ist wieder #Feudalismus angesagt. #TechnoFeudalism genauer gesagt.
#doctorow #varoufakis #kapitalismus #feudalismus #technofeudalism
Pluralistic: Autoenshittification (24 July 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
#enshittification #capitalism #technofeudalism #WEI #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #google #amazon #apple #tessla #bmw #microsoft #tpm #rightToRepair #cars #printers #uber
#enshittification #capitalism #technofeudalism #wei #webenvironmentintegrity #google #amazon #apple #tessla #bmw #microsoft #TPM #righttorepair #cars #printers #uber
Too cheerful today? Cory Doctorow has got you covered.
#enshittification #technofeudalism
In light of attacks on #generalComputing, our mind goes to a phrase the bitcoin community coined in 2016/17.
The term "#UserActivatedSoftFork", or #UASF, was small bitcoin node operators resisting the bigs' attempt to have large blockSizes which would compromise #security of #Bitcoin.
The #bigTechBlocker is similar. Its a '#UserActivatedAntitrustLaw' that prevents the decent into #technoFeudalism. And hyper-#massSurveillance.
#generalcomputing #useractivatedsoftfork #uasf #security #bitcoin #bigtechblocker #useractivatedantitrustlaw #technofeudalism #masssurveillance
Holy shit, this paragraph from #YanisVaroufakis's next book, #TechnoFeudalism:
#yanisvaroufakis #technofeudalism
IN CASE ANYONE WAS UNDER A ROCK someone has finally done it!
A #firewall setup that allows all(?) #linux users to not only block the likes of #Google, Amazon, #Cloudflare, Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!
Its called '#DigitalFeudalismCounterAction' and it brings us great joy.
Install instructions:
Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p
#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife #cageMafia
What is the best move for those who oppose #technoFeudalism?
* fedi may benefit from FB devs contributing code
* but the code comes from our adversaries who have a very different vision for the future
* if the code takes a bad direction & it forks, FB may be poaching more users than the free world gains from them
* if we don’t have the discipline to cut them off early, they become more entrenched & harder to oppose later on
HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE someone's finally done it!
Finally a #firewall that allows all(?) #linux users to not only block the likes of #Google, Amazon, #Cloudflare, Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!
Overjoyed r.n.
The install instructions (on I2P, change .su => .i2p):
Above link will work for 36 hours.
Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p
#fediBlock #technoFeudalism #dfca #i2pLife @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife
HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE someone has finally done it!
Finally a #firewall system that allows all(?) #linux users to not only block the likes of #Google, Amazon, #Cloudflare, Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!
Overjoyed right now.
Install instructions (on I2P, change .su => .i2p):
Above link will work for 36 hours.
Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p
#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife
@Wuzzy Or alternatively, we could perhaps call users of proprietary software “technofeudals”, which would be a slightly more diplomatic way to refer to those who have pawned themselves into the system of #technoFeudalism: