ivanfr · @ivanfr
51 followers · 87 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Hello world, hello @histodons!

Eine kurze : Das Department für Geschichte @KIT_Karlsruhe forscht und lehrt vor allem zur der und einerseits sowie Politische und Allgemeine andererseits. Ein besonderes Forschungsinteresse liegt auf .n. Außerdem gehört der Studiengang „Europäische Kultur und “ () zu uns, in dem neben historischen auch philosophische und ideengeschichtliche Inhalte gelehrt werden.

A brief : The History Department @KIT_Karlsruhe researches and teaches primarily on the of and on the one hand, and political and general on the other. A special research interest is on . Additionally, the study program "European Culture and History of Ideas" (EUKLID) belongs to us, in which history, philosophy and are taught.

#histodons #envhist #histstm #histtech #historyofideas #technologyfutures #history #environment #technology #culturalhistory #introduction #UweltGeschichte #TechnikGeschichte #EUKLID #Ideengeschichte #Technikzukünfte #geschichte #Umwelt #Technik #Kulturgeschichte #vorstellung

Last updated 2 years ago

Silke Zimmer-Merkle · @SilkeZM
131 followers · 34 posts · Server hcommons.social

Hello fediverse, [I‘m re-posting my as I changed instances…]

I’m a historian of technology, working mainly on historical and . I'm just starting with a new project on the history of while my first book on the history of systems will hopefully soon be published.

My fields of interest are and of course and . Working @KIT_Karlsruhe , being , hoping to meet mutual @histodons @historikerinnen @histstm !

#histodons #newhere #TheoryofHistory #histchild #histstm #histsci #histtech #anthropology #TechnologyAssessment #sts #drivingassistance #childrensmobility #technologyfutures #mobility #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Silke Zimmer-Merkle · @SilkeZM
156 followers · 56 posts · Server fediscience.org

Hello fediverse, I’m a historian of technology, working mainly on historical and . I am just starting with a new project on the history of while my first book on the history of driving assistance systems will hopefully soon be published. My fields of interested are and of course . Working @KIT_Karlsruhe , being ...

#newhere #TheoryofHistory #histstm #histsci #histtech #anthropology #TechnologyAssessment #sts #childrensmobility #technologyfutures #mobility

Last updated 2 years ago