br'er leuk · @brerleuk
98 followers · 1180 posts · Server
Jérémy Quero-Dallaire · @jeremyqd
69 followers · 269 posts · Server

Technosolutionism can be really bad, but not always.
Like, we know divers anthropics effects in many sciences, sociales and naturals.
We directly and usually think that techno-industrial applications - support by the «technosciences» - will always help us, or save us almost religiously, especially in agriculture.
We might look at the possibilites of more ingenius low-tech to manage them.

#economics #technology #technoscience #agriculture #religion #politics #management #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Vincent Blok · @vincentblok
41 followers · 42 posts · Server

Today our phd course on continental of starts. I will lecture today on philosophy of in light of his philosophical method, and look forward to the discussions with our international group of phd students. For those interested in this topic, see

#philosophy #technoscience #heideggers #technology

Last updated 2 years ago

christina d-h · @inquiline
2459 followers · 2632 posts · Server
christina d-h · @inquiline
2459 followers · 2632 posts · Server

Thank you @4Sweb for including in ! 🛢️🏖️📙

& I'd be grateful if you could share with 4S members that it's currently $21 with code UCPNEW on
@UChicagoPress website (that's 30% off).


#oilbeach #technoscience #sts

Last updated 2 years ago

christina d-h · @inquiline
2083 followers · 1416 posts · Server

SKIN THEORY: Visual Culture and the Postwar Prison Laboratory by Cristina Mejia Visperas is an "important reframing of visual approaches to race in histories of science, medicine, & technology, shifting from issues of scientific racism to scientific rationality of racism itself"
@sts @academicchatter

#newbooks #visualstudies #technoscience #medicalracism #histsci #racism #carceralstudies #abolitionism #histmed #commodon #bioethics #nyupress

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicolas ☠️ Vivant · @nicolasvivant
1022 followers · 1106 posts · Server
Joakim Parslow · @parslow
34 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello! New hcommons Mastodonite here.

I work on modern / at the University of Copenhagen, having recently moved here from my hometown Oslo.

I research the intersection of specialist professions and state power. I've focused mostly on how Turkish have negotiated a share in public authority during 20th-century struggles over martial law, political trials and similar forms of "exceptional" legality. My approach is wide and methodologically eclectic: I study everything from the writings of law professors to the courtroom tactics of defense attorneys.

I'm also increasingly interested in Turkish discourses of , in particular the intersection of , and .

In addition, I teach studies more generally, and sometimes comment on current Turkish affairs in the media.

I am Norwegian-American, and did my PhD in Middle East Studies at the University of Washington.

#introductions #introduction #middleeast #law #Governance #cybernetics #technoscience #lawyers #Türkiye #turkey

Last updated 2 years ago

Joakim Parslow · @parslow
117 followers · 11 posts · Server

Hello! New hcommons Mastodonite here.

I work on modern / at the University of Copenhagen, having recently moved here from my hometown Oslo.

I research the intersection of specialist professions and state power. I've focused mostly on how Turkish have negotiated a share in public authority during 20th-century struggles over martial law, political trials and similar forms of "exceptional" legality. My approach is wide and methodologically eclectic: I study everything from the writings of law professors to the courtroom tactics of defense attorneys.

I'm also increasingly interested in Turkish discourses of , in particular the intersection of , and .

In addition, I teach studies more generally, and sometimes comment on current Turkish affairs in the media.

I am Norwegian-American, and did my PhD in Middle East Studies at the University of Washington.

#turkey #Türkiye #lawyers #technoscience #cybernetics #Governance #law #middleeast #introduction #introductions

Last updated 2 years ago

Joakim Parslow · @parslow
34 followers · 2 posts · Server

New Mastodonite here. This looks promising.

I work on modern at the University of Copenhagen. I research the intersection of specialist professions and state power.

I've focused mostly on how Turkish have negotiated a share in public authority during struggles over martial law, political trials and the like.

I'm also increasingly interested in Turkish discourses of , in particular the intersection of , and .

#introductions #turkey #Türkiye #lawyers #technoscience #cybernetics #Governance #law

Last updated 2 years ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
314 followers · 577 posts · Server

My . AKA the Hashtag Explosion. My name is Rua M Williams and I am a and an studying and .

I work in the and disciplines. I idolize and . I also study contemporary eugenics, which I clal .

I'm a fellow with the Social Science Research Council's . My project is (formerly Coalitions but that sounded too neoliberal.. Which I did on purpose to get the award 🙃).

#Introduction #disabled #mad #autistic #CommonCyborg #academic #techethics #DisabilityJustice #MadRhetoric #crip #technoscience #technoculture #sts #CriticalDisability #hci #Histodon #histmed #MetaEugenics #JustTech #SSRC #JustTechPlatform #CyborgImaginaries #cyborg

Last updated 2 years ago

Nube · @nube_despeinado
102 followers · 2733 posts · Server

👩‍🔬 🔬 ⚛️
Avis aux chercheurs, aux professeurs, aux ingénieurs

À l’apparence de calme élégiaque des universités et campus, où bourgeonne sur l’arbre de la connaissance les cerveaux de demain, correspond en réalité une machinerie infernale pompant nerfs, force de travail et ressources terrestres, avec rigueur et discipline, dans des laboratoires et des instituts où l’on transforme et désagrège plus que l’on étudie.

#technoscience #science #religion #histoire #humanité

Last updated 4 years ago

Ken M · @kmontenegro
212 followers · 16219 posts · Server


Hurrah! Had this waiting for me yesterday and can't wait to get stuck in. Looks amazing


#captivatingtechnology #race #design #technoscience

Last updated 6 years ago