- Cyborgs, Mechas, All-Metal Robots, Humanoid Robots, Gynoids, and Fembotification Kink is the erotic story themes of what is posted to this publication. If you have any ready to go or in the works please follow and/or post away 🙏🏻
#mecha #mechasexual #humanoidrobot #cyborg #cyborgs #robotfetish #gynoid #fembot #fembotificationkink #technosexual #technosexuality #sexrobot #sexrobots #erotica #eroticfiction
#mecha #mechasexual #humanoidrobot #cyborg #cyborgs #robotfetish #gynoid #fembot #fembotificationkink #technosexual #technosexuality #sexrobot #sexrobots #erotica #eroticfiction
@sentimentaldom my Good News Friday is that I made a #fetish video that went semi viral online and attracted new folks to know about #technosexuality and #MaleAndroids . I've had guys tell me they felt alone and ashamed before, but now they realize there is a larger community out there that they can be a part of! 💙🌈🤖
#sentimentaldom #goodnewsfriday #maleandroids #technosexuality #fetish