Some great #SETI talks at the #breakthroughinstitute Breakthrough Discuss 2023. Mind-blowing to hear of a mission proposal to survey the whole #lunar surface to sub-metre precision to look for evidence of #technosignatures (alien artefacts). Onboard #MachineLearning would be used to work out what bits of the surface are "out of the ordinary". Tests using existing lower resolution data are already able to successfully identify the #Apollo lunar landing sites, without any prior training. Amazing!
#seti #breakthroughinstitute #lunar #technosignatures #MachineLearning #apollo
🎙️ ✨ A new episode has been published on @ITSPmagazine
Show: Stories From Space With Matthew S Williams
Episode: Is Anybody Out There? The Search for #Technosignatures
Podcast format: Audio
#technosignatures #seti #Extraterrestrial #space #tech #Technology #stories
The #FermiParadox revisited: #Technosignatures and the #ContactEra - A new #solution to the Fermi Paradox is presented: probes or visits from putative #aliencivilizations have a very low probability until a civilization reaches a certain age (called the Contact Era) after the onset of #radiocommunications.
#fermiparadox #technosignatures #contactera #solution #aliencivilizations #radiocommunications
A deep-learning search for technosignatures of 820 nearby stars
#SETI #Technosignatures #Aliens
#aliens #technosignatures #seti
The World's Largest Radio Telescope Just Scanned 33 Exoplanets for a Signal From Aliens #fivehundredmeteraperturesphericaltelescope #extrasolarplanets #technosignatures #radioastronomy #exoplanets #featured #china #fast #seti
#radioastronomy #featured #china #seti #technosignatures #exoplanets #fivehundredmeteraperturesphericaltelescope #extrasolarplanets #fast
[Submitted on 30 Jan 2023]
A deep-learning search for #technosignatures of 820 nearby stars
#SETI #deeplearning #astronomy #radioastronomy
#technosignatures #arxiv #seti #deeplearning #astronomy #radioastronomy
Another application would be to search for #technosignatures -- civilization-made #megastructures that leave an imprint on the structure of the planet's surface.
#technosignatures #megastructures #badhonnef23