Herr Irrtum! · @Herr_Irrtum
197 followers · 2885 posts · Server mstdn.social

Still no webp support on mstdn social.
Good thing for Internet Explorer users!

Or why is this?
I even did a full blown bug report on mstdn socials GitHub (which isn't maintained since October) and so I'm not surprised I get ignored.


@stux ?

#mastodonsetup #techssupport #WebP

Last updated 2 years ago

Its taken a few good days to download twitter data don’t know whether changing handle to @temptwit02 creates issues. But only devices and logged in browsers listed. Wanted all my old tweets. Anyone had this problem and know of alternative apps or websites to get all my old tweets from ´

#twitter #twittermigration #techhelp #techssupport

Last updated 2 years ago