My home #ISP (Tier 3, #Telecolumbus AG / #pyur #AS16202 ) isn’t offering me decent speeds (150 instead of 1000 Mbit/s) when I connect to servers they have no #peering connection with.
Any ideas how I can make the people at the #techSupport understand the issue? Last time they were extremely confused and assumed I did something borderline criminal normal people couldn’t.
Later someone fixed the issue, but it appears that I’m not being allow-listed permanently. This is extremely annoying.
#isp #telecolumbus #pyur #as16202 #peering #techsupport
Does the freezing take place when the machine is not connected to the internet?
If so, then it's a possible hardware issue that we won't be able to check from here. :D
Other questions that #techsupport would ask:
What is the OS you are using?
What are the OS update settings you are using?
Do you have a firewall?
If so, what do the firewall logs say?
What Anti-Virus software are you using?
What are the update settings for your AV software?
Un des endroits les plus wholesome de l'internet mondial, c'est les commentaires (!) de toutes les vidéos youtube (!) de la série #TechSupport de Wired.
ハーバードの教授だけど「幸せについて」質問ある? # テックサポート #techsupport #wiredjapan
#youtube_WIREDjp #ワイヤード #ワイアード #ワイアードジャパン #WIRED #WIRED_JAPAN #WIRED_jp #WIREDVIDEOS #イノベーション #ニュース #サイエンス #テクノロジー #ガジェット #News #CNE_US #CNE_JP
#techsupport #wiredjapan #youtube_wiredjp #ワイヤード #ワイアード #ワイアードジャパン #wired #wired_japan #wired_jp #wiredvideos #イノベーション #ニュース #サイエンス #テクノロジー #ガジェット #news #cne_us #cne_jp
I called #Lenovo #TechSupport and their only solution was to do a Factory Reset.
After doing a little Googling, I found others are having this problem after the tablet was updated to Android 13 in the last few weeks.
A Factory Reset is an extreme solution that did nothing to fix the problem. But it was a huge waste of time.
Lenovo should know that I lost confidence in all things Lenovo as a result.
#dobetter #techsupport #Lenovo
#Lenovo #Tablet #TechSupport #Android13
If Lenovo is on Mastodon, tell them that Android 13 messed up the Nav Bar and Nav Menu on the Tablet - Lenovo Tab M10 Plus 3rd Gen 10.6 inch Tablet.
Problem: The "Recent apps" icons in Nav Bar cover over the 3-button Nav Menu in Landscape and sometimes in portrait mode.
FYI: In the attached photo, the Nav Menu is "dark gray" but most of the time the 3 buttons are white and very difficult to see. Plus when trying to use the button it opens an app.
#android13 #techsupport #tablet #Lenovo
I believe I know the answer, but if I've got a corrupted SSD that can't be read by MacOS, and nothing could be found using Disk Drill, is it fair to say that it's a goner?
Apple Support prepares to leave X: End of the omni-channel? - Reports claim Apple is about to cease offering human tech support via X, the service f... - #techsupport #internet #apple
Words to live by.
#itsupport #it #TechSupport #tech #computers #iphone #android
#itsupport #it #techsupport #tech #computers #iphone #android
I've helped Mum twice is as many weeks remotely by calling her using FaceTime on her iPad and having her share her screen with me so I can see what she sees. I cannot tell you how incredibly useful that feature is! #FaceTime #iPad #TechSupport
Found out today that #bell #fibe is blocking TCP port 445. That's a paddling. Your job is to be a big, dumb pipe.
Contacted their #techsupport and got myself transferred to a senior CSM (who was entirely pleasant) who didn't know what a TCP port is and said that Bell doesn't support "ports."
My service is now cancelled.
Requesting technical support!
I am trying to use a wireless Xbox 360 controller on my PC. I bought a third party receiver for my computer and when I press the sync button it flashes and blinks with the controller but rather than the P1 light illuminating on the controller it just continues to flash all four lights. The computer doesn't seem to recognize the controller as having been connected.
The adapter is definitely getting the signal from the controller when they are both in sync mode, but they just don't pair correctly. Not sure what to do next.
I can't seem to find an OEM Microsoft controller adapter on eBay, so I think these third party ones are the only ones available. Any help would be appreciated!
#pc #controller #xbox360 #xbox #request #help #techsupport
#Laptop decided it can no longer run off battery though it can see one is installed and charged, soon as AC is removed it dies. Swapped battery with spare, which worked last time I used it, detects it and will run off it ok but after charging from zero the battery is extremely hot, unplugged and it didn't cool so I've removed it and placed it outside in case of 💥. What's broken, both batteries, the laptops charge controller, something else? #techsupport
As UAW seeks 4-day workweek, the idea gains ground with US workers - Now, look who wants a four-day workweek: the United Auto Workers (UAW).The union is ne... - #techsupport #remotework #industry #careers #hris
#hris #careers #industry #remotework #techsupport
Anyone know why my Bluetooth keyboard isn't working for accented characters anymore?
I'm on Android and it's supposed to be I hold alt, press a certain key, and then press a letter to get an accented version of that letter but it's not working anymore.
Like the letter 'e' when doing that is supposed to give me the acute accent but now it /does/ give me an acute accent but if I press 'e' again, instead of giving me 'é', I just get a regular 'e' with no accent.
TIL has AI integrated into their support system. I went there with four questions on a client migration that I couldn't find in their docs. The AI understood and appropriately answered all four. WTG, @wordpressdotcom! #WordPress #AI #TechSupport
Obywatele Fediświata, skąd najlepiej brać domenę i u kogo hostować stronę internetową w roku bezpańskim 2023?
Chcę zrobić landpage/stronę osobistą na potrzeby służbowe, przewiduje raczej mały ruch, a nie ma mnie na dużych socjalkach i wolę mieć kontrolę nad swoim wizerunkiem / reklamą w sieci.
Has anyone seeing this, my #Mechanicalkeyboard has started to add extra characters in when typing. For example when I use the Q key it add a 9 like this q9 or Q9 - or when I use the ! Key it add * like this !*
Any ideas? I tried unplugging and replugging, turning off pc and turning on, turning off pc with keyboard unplugged and re turning on with keyboard unplugged then plugged in after boot up. #techsupport #itsupport #techadvice
#mechanicalkeyboard #techsupport #itsupport #techadvice