Join Etay Maor in our #TodayinTech episode as he unveils the secrets of a hacker's backpack, revealing tools for wireless spying, hard drive destruction, and system chaos. Tune in! #TechPodcast #CyberCrimeAwareness #TechTools #KeithShawTekGuy
#todayintech #techpodcast #cybercrimeawareness #techtools #keithshawtekguy #press
Best Home Theater Power Managers of 2023 - In this article, ReadWrite reviews the best home theatre power managers of 2023. W... - #automaticvoltagemonitoring #hometheaterpower #powermanagement #readwrite #techtools #tech
#tech #techtools #readwrite #powermanagement #hometheaterpower #automaticvoltagemonitoring
"Get ready for some serious productivity gains 🚀 #TechnicallyWorking is launching soon and in this preview episode, we show you how to turn MultiMarkdown into Rich Text like a pro. Listen Now: #MarkdownMagic #TechTools"
#technicallyworking #markdownmagic #techtools
Notion has just introduced an AI writer feature! Looks like JasperAI but build into Notion... interesting.
Magic 🪄 Join me on the alpha waitlist!
#Notion #NotionAI #writing #TechTools #HigherEd #copywriting #AI #AiWriter #Productivity #Blogging
#notion #notionai #writing #techtools #highered #copywriting #ai #aiwriter #productivity #blogging
#getajob #cantgetajob #TechTools #TechTipOfTheDay #thunderbirds #blundernerd #areyouthere #weneedyourresume #resume
'Blundernerd None'
#resume #weneedyourresume #areyouthere #blundernerd #thunderbirds #techtipoftheday #techtools #cantgetajob #getajob
@HistorySmith It looks like #padlet has gotten rid of backchannels, but I appreciate the suggestion. #TechTools