Hast du schon mal den Vorteil des 'bruteforce-Arguments' in #grep gesehen? Es hilft, komplexe Muster zu finden, indem es flexible Suchmöglichkeiten bietet. Einfach 'grep -E' verwenden und die Regex-Magie entdecken! 💫✨ #Linux #OpenSource #BashTipps #TechTricks
#grep #linux #opensource #bashtipps #techtricks
Set the default permissions for your guests on Google Calendar. Don't be locked out of your own meetings 😂 #googlecalendar #reminders #productivity #OrganizeYourLife #techtips #techtricks @google
#GoogleCalendar #reminders #productivity #organizeyourlife #techtips #techtricks
Whatsapp added a feature that let's you securely message yourself, so a simple shared, secure notepad on any devices where it's installed.
(And, if you use Signal, you've been able to do the same thing for A While Now.)