due to the "well I'll be danged" levels of new members during the soft-launch of the instance, we will need to have some planned downtime in order to upgrade our server with more RAM. It should only take a few minutes in this case. will post again when we have an exact time.
later in the month we will need to have a longer planned outage as we move storage off the main server, more details on that when we have them.
#ServerMaintenance #PlannedDowntime #NMSAnnouncements #TechWG
#servermaintenance #planneddowntime #nmsannouncements #techwg
#socialcoop Tech Working Group minutes
mention #hypha. What's the Hypha connection in #techwg?
I ask bcos Hypha are important contributors in #meetcoop and it's good to be aware of how this coop-to-coop admins ecosystem is weaving.
Nice minutes, nice to see the kind of consideration being given to stuff under 'tech' rubric. I note #bonfire too. Wasn't too impressed by bonfire when I tried it (as a UI/UX) but endorse the principles and the experimenting.
#socialcoop #hypha #techwg #meetcoop #bonfire