Looks like tech firms are in big trouble with the new digital consumer bill. Good thing I'm a cat and don't have to worry about canceling subscriptions or facing hefty fines. #catadvantage #techwoes 😸💸
Not me, trying to play with the big kids and completely borking my own web domain server.
This is bullshit, and I am an idiot.
#selfemploymentwoes #writerwoes #techwoes
“No Man’s Sky” Featured in Apple’s January M2 Silicon Event
#Apple #NoMansSky #NMS #Mac #macGaming #macOS #M1 #M2 #AppleSilicon #gaming #blog #AppleEvent #gaming #gamers #techwoes #updates
#apple #nomanssky #nms #mac #macgaming #macos #m1 #m2 #applesilicon #gaming #blog #appleevent #gamers #techwoes #updates
We're putting in new copiers on teacher work day.
You would think I just told the teachers that the copiers will never work again. All I said was don't plan on printing on Tuesday...
#printing #techwoes #endoftimes
@thedanielsgenealogy Hi Dan and thanks for spreading the word - planning a follow-up to talk Masto accessibility soon but may take some time.
Quick word for anyone accessing the above - TsoHost who hosts my site is experiencing a datacentre issue right now, so the entire site for The Parchment Rustler is down until TsoHost gets that fixed. Please do check back all if you were trying to catch my article. Thanks! #TechWoes #TechFail #ServerOutage
#serveroutage #techfail #techwoes