Democrat Ted Kennedy Escapes Judgment at Chappaquiddick
#Chappaquiddick #TedKennedy #MaryJoeKopechne
#chappaquiddick #tedkennedy #maryjoekopechne
Ted Kennedy's rousing cry for universal healthcare, while pointing to his own privilege, in December 1978 is the kind of passion that the Democrats COULD offer us, but refuse to.
#tedkennedy #healthcare #passion #Democrats
Trump publishing private letters from #OprahWinfrey, other celebrities
Winfrey wrote to Trump after he sent her a book excerpt, from his 2000 book, "The America We Deserve," in which he wrote that his "first choice for vice president would be Oprah Winfrey."
Letters from #RichardNixon #RonaldReagan #BillClinton #PrincessDiana #HillaryClinton #TedKennedy #NorthKorea's #KimJongUn #MarioCuomo #ArnoldPalmer #JayLeno #LizaMinnelli #RegisPhilbin and many more are included.
#oprahwinfrey #richardnixon #ronaldreagan #billclinton #princessdiana #hillaryclinton #tedkennedy #northkorea #kimjongun #mariocuomo #arnoldpalmer #jayleno #lizaminnelli #regisphilbin
#Chappaquiddick is the least of my, and our, problems with #TedKennedy.