#Finisce l’emergenza #covid: in 3 anni più di 20 milioni di morti
#Pescara. Sono tante le emozioni che si affacciano sul viso del direttore generale dell’Oms, #TedrosGhebreyesus, quando, in un’attesissima conferenza stampa a #Ginevra, annuncia la fine dello stato di emergenza sanitaria mondiale per il #Covid-19. C’è la soddisfazione di poter finalmente pronunciare la parola “fine” dopo tre anni in cui il virus
L'articolo #Finisce l’emergenza #covid: in 3 anni più di 20 milioni di morti sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
#Covid emergency ends: more than 20 million dead in 3 years
#Pescara. There are many emotions on the face of the WHO director general, #TedrosGhebreyesus, when, at a much-awaited press conference in Geneva, he announced the end of the state of world health emergency for #Covid-19. There is satisfaction at finally being able to say the word 'end' after three years in which the virus
The article #Covid emergency ends: more than 20 million deaths in three years appeared first on #AbruzzoLive.
5-5-2023 18:47 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/finisce-lemergenza-covid-in-3-anni-piu-di-20-milioni-di-morti/
#finisce #covid #pescara #tedrosghebreyesus #ginevra #abruzzolive
It's pretty bewildering to see #WHO head #TedrosGhebreyesus blaming #Taiwan of instigating #racism against him when in fact populous provinces in #China (#Guangdong as an example) are rounding up all #Africans into forced #quarantine as I write this. Other foreigners are allowed to self-quarantine, but not Africans. They get rounded up and force-quarantined even without a travel history. THAT is state-sponsored racism, Tedros-muppet. Dished out by your #Zhongnanhai buddies.
#who #tedrosghebreyesus #taiwan #racism #china #guangdong #africans #quarantine #zhongnanhai
The real irony, if not absurdity of those allegations of #racism aimed at #Taiwan by #WHO's president
#TedrosGhebreyesus is this: In #China, the country of his beloved and praised puppet masters where the #Wuhan-type #Coronavirus originated, #xenophobia and racism are very real now that the regime is spreading the narrative of #Covid19 as a disease imported by foreigners. If any country is blatantly racist right now, it will be China. But do not expect clueless Tedros to ever bring that up.
#racism #taiwan #who #tedrosghebreyesus #china #wuhan #Coronavirus #xenophobia #COVID19
The right job for the head of #WHO #TedrosGhebreyesus would be that of a personal doctor of #XiJingping, so he could be around his mancrush all day. Go for it, Tedros, and more importantly: Leave the WHO so it can be presided by a person with #integrity - unlike you.
#who #tedrosghebreyesus #xijingping #integrity
Unsurprisingly, #Zhongnanhai's army of online trolls known as #WuMao are now issuing fake apologies to #TedrosGhebreyesus on behalf of #Taiwan|ese for racist attacks on him. Some of these apologies even are written in simplified characters, some come in an abhorrent English full of mistakes.
Yo, WuMao muppets: Get your act together and try harder!
To Tedros: No one attacked you for the colour of your skin. The attacks came for the lack of spine with the #Beijing bootlicker that you sadly are!
#zhongnanhai #wumao #tedrosghebreyesus #taiwan #beijing
I fully agree with #FreddyLim on #TedrosGhebreyesus and his attacks against #Taiwan, claiming that it's all about #racism. Ignoring Taiwan's existence and calling it «Taipei and environs» was bad enough already, #Aylward hanging up on a reporter from #HongKong as his mouth seems unfit to say the T-word was the next step and now Tedros goes full tilt with his accusations. Just focus on the bloody job you can't do anyway due to your pro-#Beijing bias, you muppet! #StandupforTaiwan #Covid19
#FreddyLim #tedrosghebreyesus #taiwan #racism #Aylward #hongkong #beijing #standupfortaiwan #COVID19
Public displays of #selfpity do reflect badly on leaders in important positions. Due to his tight links to #Beijing, #WHO president #TedrosGhebreyesus screwed up the response to #Covid19. For far too long he insisted that no #travelrestrictions for #China would be needed to limit the spread of the #Wuhan-type #Coronavirus. Guess what? We are ALL enjoying the result of this fuck-up. And this inept boss is not getting flak for the colour of his skin FFS! #TedrosmustGo http://www.ketagalanmedia.com/2020/04/10/freddy-lim-tedros-who-taiwan-coronavirus-response/
#selfpity #beijing #who #tedrosghebreyesus #COVID19 #travelrestrictions #china #wuhan #Coronavirus #TedrosmustGo