#Portland #Oregon #TedWheeler #Pedophiles #CivilRights #Justice #NeilGoldschmidt #MattHennessee #Prison #Jail @dave @echoplex #JimCaviezel #SoundOfFreedom
Recorded live, on July 10 - Conspiracies, realities, civil rights, and justice, with Jeff Thomas Black (@JTB)
#portland #oregon #tedwheeler #pedophiles #civilrights #justice #neilgoldschmidt #matthennessee #prison #jail #jimcaviezel #soundoffreedom
ffs #tedWheeler thinks he works for cars
#cars1stAlwaysOnly #Portland stuck in #pdxTraffic
#tedwheeler #cars1stalwaysonly #portland #pdxtraffic
This is a #SafeRoutesToSchool in #tedWheeler's #Portland, serving as a #RatRun at school pickup time for no good reason whatsoever except maybe #InducedDemand for making parents stay afraid of getting out of their cars. (Driver continued, at 30 in a 20, out the other side of the neighborhood because our #trafficEngineers can't figure out how this works.)
#saferoutestoschool #tedwheeler #portland #ratrun #induceddemand #trafficengineers
Mayors talking tough about keeping transit fares low is cute, but the real ones are saying #farelessTransit is possible with just the money trimet spends on free #parking lots and some taxes on people like #tedWheeler
#farelesstransit #parking #tedwheeler
take a minute & read this piece by @7im…
“The CS gas deployed resulted in protesters being exposed to concentrations far higher than those deemed “immediately dangerous to life and health” by a federal agency. In some instances, that safety threshold may have been exceeded by 2,200 times.”
#PDX mayor #TedWheeler was commissioner of #PortlandPolice when they were doing this. Don’t ever forget.
#pdx #tedwheeler #portlandpolice
“Defunding PPB” during #2020 after #protests demanding #Police #abolition showed now signs of stopping. The reality was; #PPB was never defunded, #TedWheeler just moved some money around then SIGNIFICANTLY increased their budget over the next few years.
#protests #police #Abolition #ppb #tedwheeler
i hope nobody ever forgets that #TedWheeler & #PPB #PortlandPolice did everything they could to valorize this alt-right murderer, & to demonize the good people he shot. #PDX
#tedwheeler #ppb #portlandpolice #pdx
#TedWheeler says he is made for #Portland and can address today's crises. Really? Quick question for #TearGasTeddy: How many cans of tear gas does it take to build a new housing unit?
#tedwheeler #portland #teargasteddy
“they” both sam and #tedwheeler — not that sam hasn’t done plenty of harassment and abuse of women but that there is something far more dangerous. and with evidence that would hold up to an investigation that would damn them both.
Hahaha #TedWheeler acknowledges through Portland’s new bureau system and assignments that public safety is not what #police do
#Journalist linked to #Antifa death threat video against Mayor #TedWheeler:
#tedwheeler #Antifa #journalist
Spoken like a true DemonRat! #TedWheeler #Portland #NancyPelosi
#tedwheeler #Portland #NancyPelosi