The poor man's OP1 #5
Fifth in the series **Full vid on YouTube**
#music #M8Tracker #dirtywaveM8 #lofi #lofibeats #tracker #teenageengineering #op1 #synth #synthesizer #dawless #casio #vltone #vl1 #electronicmusic
#music #m8tracker #dirtywavem8 #lofi #lofibeats #tracker #teenageengineering #op1 #synth #synthesizer #dawless #casio #vltone #vl1 #electronicmusic
The poor man's OP1 #5
Fifth in the series **Full vid on YouTube**
#music #M8Tracker #dirtywaveM8 #lofi #lofibeats #tracker #teenageengineering #op1 #synth #synthesizer #dawless #casio #vltone #vl1 #electronicmusic
#music #m8tracker #dirtywavem8 #lofi #lofibeats #tracker #teenageengineering #op1 #synth #synthesizer #dawless #casio #vltone #vl1 #electronicmusic
Birthday Detective
#ciatlonbarde #synth #palmelund #teenageengineering
Got my hands on an OP-Z in trade last week. Didn't expect to enjoy it so much! Here I'm testing it out with some mouth samples from the onboard mic.
#opz #teenageengineering #electronicmusic
My #teenageengineering #pocketoperator collection! I’m missing robot, office, and tonic out of the main lineup. (Also don’t worry about arcade over there, it still works :)
#teenageengineering #pocketoperator
Made another track for the same game! I imagine it would be for a more intense section, although with the style of game I’m going for it’s kind of difficult to come up with something that would work within that context…
Got really excited and already started making music for this game 😅 (needs heavy quantization and pitch correction but I still think it sounds neat)
Frage an die #Mikrofon und #Audio Bubble: Für einen Bürger Workshop würde ich gern ein möglichst mobiles Equipment mitnehmen, um meine Tonspur in der Moderation aufzuzeichnen. Empfehlungen? Ausser dem #TP-7 von #TeenageEngineering ;)
#mikrofon #audio #tp #teenageengineering
Design Milk : Teenage Engineering TP–7 Offers the Reel Sensation of Tactile Controls #TeenageEngineering #soundrecording #fieldrecorder #Technology #Main
#teenageengineering #soundrecording #fieldrecorder #technology #main
i’ve just finished my second product design #illustration #MadeWithSketch. this time i went with #teenageengineering ’s op-1 synthesizer. i feel like this could become a new hobby. @Sketch
#op1 #tech #technology #audio #device #product #design #productdesign #industrial #industrialdesign
#industrialdesign #industrial #productdesign #Design #product #device #Audio #Technology #Tech #op1 #teenageengineering #madewithsketch #Illustration
we’re getting there.
#MadeWithSketch #teenageengineering #tech #technology #audio #device #product #design #productdesign #industrial #industrialdesign
#industrialdesign #industrial #productdesign #Design #product #device #Audio #Technology #Tech #teenageengineering #madewithsketch
well umm.. that one was pretty tough to recreate. 9 layers in total but i’m happy with the result. :)
#MadeWithSketch #teenageengineering #tech #technology #audio #device #product #design #productdesign #industrial #industrialdesign
#industrialdesign #industrial #productdesign #Design #product #device #Audio #Technology #Tech #teenageengineering #madewithsketch
work in progress.
#MadeWithSketch #teenageengineering #tech #technology #audio #device #product #design #productdesign #industrial #industrialdesign
#industrialdesign #industrial #productdesign #Design #product #device #Audio #Technology #Tech #teenageengineering #madewithsketch
recently i've been obsessed with #teenageengineering 's product design – so this weekend i decided to recreate their upcoming tp-7 field recorder entirely in @Sketch.
#madewithsketch #teenageengineering
Gloriously unproductive night #pocketoperator #teenageengineering
#teenageengineering #pocketoperator
Open Your Brain To The World’s Psychic Maelstrom |
#synth #ciatlonbarde #folktek #teenageengineering #korg #oto #elysiandrumscape #plumbutter #peterlin #tx6 #sq1 #bam
#bam #sq1 #tx6 #peterlin #plumbutter #elysiandrumscape #oto #korg #teenageengineering #folktek #ciatlonbarde #synth
Do you have a #TeenageEngineering #op1 ? You can become famous with the OP Forums battle #86!
Design Milk : Teenage Engineering’s CM–15 Microphone Amplifies Great Design #TeenageEngineering #Technology #microphone #Main
#teenageengineering #technology #microphone #main