The #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #movie is a lot of fun! Well done.
#teenagemutantninjaturtle #movie
With the new #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle film coming soon... I guess it's time to reintroduce this out of obscurity.
#teenagemutantninjaturtle #comingoutoftheirshells #mutantmayham #poprock
Growing up as a #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle Fan 🐢, I am definitely going to go see this! What is your take? Will you go see it? Are you an old school turtle fan or new school 😎
#teenagemutantninjaturtle #movies #paramountpictures #geek #dayone
You can see my #toy #dinosaurs & #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #figurines better in this photo 😊📚
#toy #dinosaurs #teenagemutantninjaturtle #figurines
This is my #LittleFreeLibrary in #Saanich on Kamloops Ave. You can find all the local #yyj #VictoriaBC #LFLs on a map. #VictoriaPlacemaking network created a map of all of them. You can get one too - just contact them & they'll set you up. I've had mine running for several months & people live it. Mine is decorated w/#dinosaurs & a #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle 🥰
#Community #FreeBooks #FreeLibrary #Sharing #FreeToRead #VanIsle #BookLovers #Readers #VancouverIsland #PNW #TakeABookLeaveABook
#littlefreelibrary #saanich #yyj #victoriabc #lfls #victoriaplacemaking #teenagemutantninjaturtle #community #freebooks #freelibrary #sharing #freetoread #vanisle #booklovers #readers #vancouverisland #pnw #takeabookleaveabook
Aquí les dejo esta foto de Shredder enfrentando a las tortugas.
¿Qué les pareció esta nueva versión de Neca para el Destructor?
#review #neca #shredder #tortugasninja #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtle #toyphotography
#review #neca #shredder #tortugasninja #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtle #toyphotography
Saludos a todos, les paso a compartir mi canal de Reviews, Toy photographyt y Coleccionismo en general :)
#review #toyphotography #unboaxing #coleccionismo #mastersoftheuniverse #starwarsblackseries #tortugasninja #teenagemutantninjaturtle #DCmultiverse #tmnt #motu #batman #felinoscosmicos #thundercats #liono #heman #mandalorian #obiwan #skeletor #shredder #gijoe
#review #toyphotography #unboaxing #coleccionismo #mastersoftheuniverse #starwarsblackseries #tortugasninja #teenagemutantninjaturtle #dcmultiverse #tmnt #motu #batman #felinoscosmicos #thundercats #liono #heman #mandalorian #obiwan #skeletor #shredder #gijoe
Okay this #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle #TMNT riding #Dinosaurs #Art by Shaun Keenan #ShaunKeenan sure does bring me joy!
I found it at
#teenagemutantninjaturtle #tmnt #dinosaurs #art #shaunkeenan