Yo, bugün okula gitmek istemedim güneşli havada buluşup tatile gitmek istedim ama işte hayat böyle işliyor 😩 #teenlife #sıkıntılar #okul
Tonight’s discussion with the teens is deciding which math class they will take next year. Paperwork is due tomorrow. Here’s our options:
AP Statistics
AP Calculus A/B
AP Calculus B/C
They are both leaning toward AP Stats and one is getting pressure to take Calculus.
Teen3 ordered a bag of pride badges to support his #LGBTQ+ friends and they arrived yesterday.
His backpack looks colourful now 😍😍😍
Conversation with my son who turned 17 today:
“Y’know, Mom, if there isn’t a set of car keys in my gifts I just can’t celebrate.”
“Oh you poor thing.” ::snarcasm::
“I hear that parents who love their kids give them cars…”
#parenting #teens #teenlife #family #familylife