The Academy for Eating Disorders ( has released a statement regarding the new guidelines.
#EatingDisorders #pediatrics #teenmedtwitter
Booked my flight and cannot wait to be at in 2 months for my first in-person SAHM conference in 4 years! #teenmedtwitter #MedEd
Why do insurance companies make it so hard to provide long-acting reversible contraception?
Why the barriers? What is the long game? LARC is 1st line for contraception. Patients and clinicians should not have to fight to get/give this care. #obgyntwitter #teenmedtwitter
I love this chart regarding appropriate overlap of different methods! Sometimes, #birthcontrol is a little bit of trial and error. Knowing how to pivot to meet patient needs is important too.
Thx to my colleagues who shared with me today! #teenmedtwitter #obgyntwitter #MedEd
#birthcontrol #teenmedtwitter #obgyntwitter #MedEd
Hoping to alleviate some anxiety-
Sometimes tampons, etc get retained in the vagina, however they’re almost always removable w speculum exam. The vaginal canal doesn’t connect to many places so your tampon won’t end up in a random place requiring surgery. #teenmedtwitter
The idea that one needs to have birthed a child in order to get an IUD is nonsense.
Long-acting reversible contraception (#LARC) is FIRST LINE for contraception in adolescents (and also helpful for other things too).
#larc #gyntwitter #teenmedtwitter