Zal ie zich vast veel van herinneren.... 🙄🤔😒 #Teflon #Amnesia #Rutte
"Een van de opgeroepen getuigen is demissionair premier Rutte. Hij wordt ondervraagd in zijn rol als staatssecretaris van Sociale Zaken (2002-2004)."
Openbare verhoren van enquêtecommissie fraudebeleid begonnen
#PSA: #PFAS/ #foreverchemicals are bad and we should eliminate them as much as possible. But remember that #PFTE or #Teflon is also a forever chemical. But for some reason pans with teflon coating and sprays containing PFTE particles are still legal to sell... 🤔
Buy cast iron/stainless steel or enameled cookware and learn to maintain it. It really isn't that hard.
#teflon #pfte #foreverchemicals #pfas #psa
@ESL_fairy I wonder if this is why some upper management seem to dodge so much... #Teflon shoulders... 🤔
See also: American ex-presidents
Skeptoid #249: Student Questions: Airport X-Rays, Shampoo, and the Moon by Brian Dunning #airportscanners #teflon #tides #x-rays #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Skeptoid answers another round of science questions sent in by students all around the world.
#airportscanners #teflon #tides #x #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Gartendusche repariert
Letztes Jahr hatte ich, weil die gesamte Arbeit an mir hängengeblieben ist, beschlossen, für den Sommer auf den Aufbau unseres kleinen Rahmenpools zu verzichten.
Denn zum einen machte es echt Arbeit, den richtig sauber zu halten und zum Anderes ist die Familie eine Schön-Wetter-Plansch-Familie. Heisst, sie geht nur rein, wenn es sowohl draussen sehr heiß ist (mindestens 35° im Schatten), als auch der #Pool selbst mindestens 27° oder mehr hat. Von den grob 60 Tagen Poolzeit (Reinigungszeit), sind das aber allenfalls eine handvoll Tage. Und dafür hab ich keinen Bock, mir die Arbeit zu machen.
Also nix Pool. Her mit einer #Gartendusche. Mir reicht sowas nämlich. War beim Pool auch so: klassische Geiselbefreiung: Schnell rein und schnell wieder raus. Ne Gartendusche passt da. Und wenn sie auf #Solar-Basis funktioniert, also auch noch warmes Wasser liefert, perfekt.
Die Wahl fiel auf die unten abgebildete.
Sie tat auch genau eine Saison lang genau das, was sie tun sollte: Wenn die Sonne schien, gabs warmes Wasser, zum #Duschen für 2 Personen völlig ausreichend (35 l Fassungsvermögen).
Aber als ich sie unlängst wieder in Betrieb nehmen wollte: der Körper ist von unten an ca. 50 cm aufgerissen. Der Zulauf hatte zuviel Spannung produziert, der Winter tat sein übriges, futsch.
Eine #Reklamation lehnte der Verkäufer ab. Ich hätte sie im Herbst komplett demontieren und frostsicher einlagern müssen. Ja, stand mit genau einem Satz auch so in der Anleitung.
Pech gehabt.
Wir haben nun überlegt, was wir nun machen. Zuerst einmal, NIE WIEDER eine Solardusche aus #Kunststoff.
Die Amazone meinte dazu allerdings trocken, "Kein Problem, ab 500,- Euro bist Du dabei."
Bei #Kaufland fand ich letzten Einkaufsfreitag einen kleinen kompakten #Durchlauferhitzer für 39,- (die Amazone bot das gleiche Teil für 49,- an).
Gekauft. Also bei Kaufland, nicht bei #Amazon.
Nun ging es ans Zerlegen der Solardusche. Im Inneren mussten durchgehende Schläuche oder Rohre lang laufen. Der Tank war ja irreparabel gerissen und nur noch als Halterung für den Neuaufbau zu gebrauchen.
Ein paar Adapter musste ich kaufen, von 3/4 Zoll auf 1/2 Zoll oder umgekehrt.
Mit ein wenig Rumgefiummel und einer Menge #Teflon-Dichtband alles weitgehend dicht bekommen.
Und *Trommelwirbel* es funktioniert.
Natürlich darf man keine Wunder von dem kleinen Teil erwarten. Aber zum ausgiebigen warmen Duschen (ja, ja, #Warmduscher) reicht es.
Natürlich kostet es jetzt Strom, 3200 W Leistung fordert das kleine Ding ein. Aber da das Wasser vom #Außenzähler kommt, sparen wir die #Abwassergebühren. Und das ist doch auch schon was.
Mal schauen, eventuell verstecke ich den einen Schlauch auch noch im inneren des Korpus.
Den Riss werde ich noch mit Panzertape stabilisieren. Und natürlich im Herbst korrekt einlagern.
Fehler mach ich meistens nur 1x. (naja, Betonung liegt auf MEISTENS)
#pool #gartendusche #solar #duschen #reklamation #kunststoff #kaufland #durchlauferhitzer #amazon #teflon #warmduscher #außenzahler #abwassergebuhren
Le 6 avril 1938: Roy #Plunkett invente le #Téflon. #histoire #cejourla #invention
#plunkett #teflon #histoire #cejourla #invention
#Belgium has highest levels of #PFAS chemical #pollution in Europe, study reveals
Major mapping project reveals PFAS have been found at high levels at thousands of sites across Europe. EURACTIV’s media partner, The Guardian, reports.
By Leana Hosea and Rachel Salvidge, Feb 24, 2023
"Pollutants known as 'forever chemicals', which don’t break down in the environment, build up in the body and may be toxic, have been found at high levels at thousands of sites across the UK and Europe, a major mapping project has revealed.
"The map shows that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a family of about 10,000 chemicals valued for their non-stick and detergent properties, have made their way into water, soils and sediments from a wide range of consumer products, firefighting foams, waste and industrial processes.
"Two PFAS have been linked to an array of health problems. PFOA has been connected with kidney and testicular cancer, thyroid disease, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol and pregnancy-induced hypertension. PFOS has been associated with reproductive, developmental, liver, kidney, and thyroid disease. At lower levels PFAS have been associated with immunotoxicity.
"The substances have been found at about 17,000 sites across the #UK and #Europe. Of these, PFAS have been detected at high concentrations of more than 1,000 nanograms a litre of water at about 640 sites, and above 10,000ng/l at 300 locations."
#PFOS #PFNA, #PFHxS, #PFB #GenXChemicals
#PFOA #WaterIsLife #Toxic #pollution #DowChemical #DuPont #3M #BASF #Teflon
#belgium #pfas #pollution #uk #europe #pfos #pfna #pfhxs #pfb #genxchemicals #pfoa #waterislife #toxic #dowchemical #dupont #3m #BASF #teflon
Pentagon to halt use of firefighting foam that contains #PFAS as cleanup costs mount
by Ashley Murray, March 16, 2023
"Battered by years of criticism from U.S. lawmakers and environmental advocates, the Department of Defense will stop purchasing PFAS-containing firefighting foam later this year and phase it out entirely in 2024.
"The replacement for Aqueous Film Forming Foam has yet to be determined, and advocates are frustrated it’s taken so long to halt the use of a product containing a “forever chemical” that at high levels of exposure may lead to increased risks for cancer, among other effects. The pace of cleanup at potentially contaminated military installations and nearby communities also has come under scrutiny by Congress."
#WaterIsLife #Toxic #pollution #DowChemical #DuPont #3M #BASF #Teflon #FirstResponders #Firefighters #Capitalism #Corruption
#pfas #waterislife #toxic #pollution #dowchemical #dupont #3m #BASF #teflon #firstresponders #firefighters #capitalism #corruption
Nation’s largest fire union sues entity that sets standards for safety over #PFAS requirement
by Brad Petrishen, March 16, 2023
"The lawsuit alleges that the National Fire Protection Agency conspired with 'others' to ensure that an inner moisture barrier in the gear would have to contain PFAS in order to pass a specific 'UV light test' designated by a particular technical requirement.
"The suit alleges that the test was designed in a way to mandate the use of PFAS, and that the National Fire Protection Agency, despite requests to remove the standard, has refused."
#PFOA #WaterIsLife #Toxic #pollution #DowChemical #DuPont #3M #BASF #Teflon #FirstResponders #Firefighters #Capitalism #Corruption
#pfas #pfoa #waterislife #toxic #pollution #dowchemical #dupont #3m #BASF #teflon #firstresponders #firefighters #capitalism #corruption
EU considers ban on 'forever chemicals', urges search for alternatives
By Ludwig Burger, February 7, 2023
• Proposed ban to grant grace periods between 18 mths and 12 yrs
• Non-degradable PFAS found as far as "rain water in Tibet"
• Ban could take effect in 2026 or 2027
• Industry group warns some key products could be "eliminated"
• Further reviews will involve ECHA, EU commission, member states
"The chemicals have been used in tens of thousands of products, including cars, textiles, medical gear, wind mills and non-stick pans due to their long-term resistance to extreme temperatures and corrosion.
"But #PFAS have also been linked to health risks like cancer, hormonal dysfunction and a weakened immune system as well as #environmental damage."
#PFOS #PFNA, #PFHxS, #PFB #GenXChemicals
#PFOA #WaterIsLife #Toxic #pollution #DowChemical #DuPont #3M #BASF #Teflon
#pfas #environmental #pfos #pfna #pfhxs #pfb #genxchemicals #pfoa #waterislife #toxic #pollution #dowchemical #dupont #3m #BASF #teflon
#EPA Proposes New Standard for Removing Harmful ‘#ForeverChemicals’ Found in Drinking Water
Here’s where they come from—and why removing them is more challenging than you might think.
By Korin MillerPublished: Mar 15, 2023
- The EPA issued a new proposal to remove #PFAS from water supplies nationwide.
- The proposal targets six out of thousands of known forever chemicals.
- The #chemicals have been linked to #cancer, thyroid issues, and fertility problems, among other things.
"The EPA shared in a news release that the new levels would be “legally enforceable” if the proposal is finalized. While there are more than 9,000 PFAS known to be in existence, the proposal focuses on six. The proposal would regulate PFOA and #PFOS, along with four other PFAS—#PFNA, #PFHxS, #PFBS, and #GenXChemicals—as a mixture."
#PFOA #WaterIsLife #Toxic #pollution #DowChemical #DuPont #3M #BASF #TEflon #Bayer
Read more:
#epa #foreverchemicals #pfas #chemicals #cancer #pfos #pfna #pfhxs #pfbs #genxchemicals #pfoa #waterislife #toxic #pollution #dowchemical #dupont #3m #BASF #teflon #bayer
Biden's Woke Water Will Deny Americans 'Forever Chemicals' Their Bodies Crave
#Environmental_protection_agency #Carcinogens #Pfas #Forever_chemicals #Teflon #Parts_per_trillion #Pfoa #Pfos #Genx #Pfbs #Pfhxs #Pfna #Epa #Michael_regan #Wilmington_north_carolina #Cape_fear_river #Superfund #Drinking_water #Woke_water #Defense_department #Pollution #Environment
#environment #pollution #Defense_department #Woke_water #Drinking_water #superfund #Cape_fear_river #Wilmington_north_carolina #Michael_regan #epa #Pfna #Pfhxs #Pfbs #genx #PFOS #pfoa #Parts_per_trillion #teflon #forever_chemicals #pfas #carcinogens #Environmental_protection_agency
WaPo Former congresswoman #PatriciaSchroeder, a #megaphone for the #WomensMovement, the first woman to serve on the #House Armed Services Committee and a #liberal #Democrat known for her barbed wit, notably coining the term #Teflon #President to lambaste President Ronald Reagan, died March 13 at a hospital in Celebration, Fla. She was 82.
#patriciaschroeder #megaphone #womensmovement #house #liberal #democrat #teflon #President
I have a very strong feeling that within my lifetime, telling some future generation of kids “back in my day, we cooked on #Teflon pans” is going to be the equivalent of hearing an elderly person today say “back in my day, we cooked on lead pans.” Which didn’t happen, and you don’t hear, but if you did, it’d be absolutely crazy. I really feel like the #Microplastics #epidemic is going to be so much worse than the #Lead one.
#teflon #microplastics #epidemic #lead
Révélations sur la contamination massive de l’Europe par les #PFAS, ces polluants éternels 👉 « Le Monde » dévoile l’existence de milliers de sites contaminés.
Le #Teflon, le #Scotchgard, le célèbre imperméabilisant textile, et le #Gore-Tex, ce sont eux…
( #GoreTex )
#pfas #teflon #scotchgard #gore #goretex
Teflon and 'forever chemicals:' The hidden toxins in your body
#Environment #DuPont #chemicals #cancers #toxins #pollution #foreverchemicals #PFSA #TeflonChemikalien #Teflon
#teflon #teflonchemikalien #pfsa #foreverchemicals #pollution #toxins #cancers #chemicals #dupont #environment
This has been going on for decades. The film "Dark Waters" covered the story of Du Pont burying the waste products from the manufacture of #Teflon in West Virginia.
Alarm over rising tide of toxic ‘forever chemicals’