I used to use Lisiecki's reconstruction from 2010 for #CO2 https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/15695 but at one point, I found Yamamoto a better fit. IIRC, it was because Yamamoto's CO2 declines gradually from 400ky on, after the interglacial "MIS 11" which I investigated in some depth as best analog for our climate today,
while Lisiecki's CO2 drops abruptly at 380ky. A comparison of both and the strong differences can be seen here https://nitter.nl/pic/orig/media%2FFTv1cyRX0AMoND4.jpg
Lisiecki is the queen of paleo reconstruction, I think, so it seems appropriate to explain why I don't refer to her CO2. I also replaced her d18O versions with others, eg. Starr 2020 and Lawrence 2009 for South and North Atlantic respectively. And recently I found a new age model that better fitted some quirky #pliocene sealevel events I was investigating, compared to Lisiecki's age model "LR04" which is the "age bible" for #paleoclimate, I gather. But I haven't tried yet to see if I can make it work (Hatfield https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021GC009677 )
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#co2 #pliocene #paleoclimate #tegtmeier #tegtmeierbasics