Just upgraded my Mac to Ventura – one thing I didn't dare to do before the conference #teimec2023
Sharing the list of browser tabs I had opened after five days at #teimec2023. A collection of awesome #DigitalHumanities projects, tools for #digitalEdition, somewhat interesting pages from #TEI’s and #MEI’s guidelines and other stuff I stumbled across in discussions with nice people.
#teimec2023 #digitalhumanities #digitaledition #TEI #mei #rseng #musicology #xml
Late Summer Sunrise in #Paderborn - „Kaiserwetter“ for the #teimec2023 #teimec23 after conference day - enjoy it, folks!
#Paderborn #teimec2023 #teimec23
Late Summer Sunrise in #Paderborn - „Kaiserwetter“ for the #teimec2023 #teimec23 after conference day - enjoy it, folks!
#Paderborn #teimec2023 #teimec23
Bye, bye, Paderborn! The #teimec2023 was a wounderful, very interesting conference and very, very well organized! Thank you very much! @teimec2023
#RSEng Christian Lück at #teimec2023 actually IMPLEMENTING #XPointer for #TEI#XML, rescuing these dead unicorns once specified by the #W3C and putting them to use for the #DigitalHumanities community
#rseng #teimec2023 #xpointer #TEI #w3c #digitalhumanities
Best section of software #documentation ever:
#documentation #teimec2023 #rseng #musicology #digitalhumanities
Nick Thieberger at #teimec2023 dissecting more than a dozen #RSEng tools designed for #TEI, suggested to his team to enhance their #digitalEdition. They all failed at some point during setup, preventing them from being used in their environment. It remained unclear to the team whether any software had advantages over static HTML sites, besides introducing additional #dependencies.
#teimec2023 #rseng #TEI #digitaledition #dependencies
#TIL at #teimec2023:
The name of the #CMIF format used by #correspSearch @correspSearch is pronounced “smiff”, not “see-miff” or “see-em-eye-eff”.
#DigitalHumanities #FAIRData
#til #teimec2023 #CMIF #correspsearch #digitalhumanities #fairdata
@MinisterratCis our poster for our Neigungsgruppe https://protokolleditionen.eu is printed and exhibited at #teimec2023 #teimec23
“Printed volumes” is still a currency we are measured in.
--Nikolaos Beer at #teimec2023
#teimec2023 #musicology #digitalhumanities
https://github.com/TEI-Correspondence-SIG #teimec2023
Where are the GitHub issues regarding https://encoding-correspondence.bbaw.de/ supposed to go to?
Hey, #teimec2023 people! I'm willing to give away (donate) my place on the city tour of Paderborn tomorrow (Thursday) at 6pm.
If you're interested, get in touch on- or offline!
IMPORTANT: TEI Correspondence SIG meeting, beginning at 4.15 PM, was rescheduled in room "campus:measure" #teimec2023 #correspondence