#retrogaming #classicgaming #shorts #tekken7 #tekken #namco #namcobandai #trending #tutorial #gameplay #capcom #akuma #kazuya #steam #steamplay #proton #protondb #linux #linuxgaming #pcgaming #desktopgaming #MEUREFUGIONERD #boost
#boost #meurefugionerd #DesktopGaming #pcgaming #linuxgaming #linux #protondb #proton #steamplay #steam #kazuya #akuma #capcom #gameplay #tutorial #trending #namcobandai #Namco #tekken #tekken7 #shorts #classicgaming #retrogaming
I didn't really get my #PSX until #FinalFantasy7 was released for it, but I had a #SegaSaturn since their surprise launch in the USA. So I really never played #Tekken, I was deeply into #VirtuaFighter. So I've gone back and played #Tekken2 and #Tekken3 as I recall those being compared favorably to VF at the time and OMG they are so far behind what #Sega was doing at the time. Tekken 2 particularly. Tekken 3 at least looks nice. But neither feels nearly as deep or fun to play as VF2 or FMM.
#psx #finalfantasy7 #segasaturn #tekken #virtuafighter #tekken2 #tekken3 #sega
#TEKKEN's hit box and collisions still going strong after all these years I see...
"Let me add a bunch of effects, mini-explosions and flares so you don't see that character models aren't actually touching each other!"
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 16 hrs. 38 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown — #Tekken 8 Closed Beta Online Battles!: https://youtu.be/SCcCealWkd4
#MiaYimGaming (#WWE's #MiaYim/#Michin) — #DeadSpace experience/Pt 1: https://youtu.be/ANOdALZKi74
(1 of 4)
#deadspace #miayim #wwe #miayimgaming #tekken #upupdowndown
鉄拳8,シャニソン,BLUE PROTOCOLを出展。バンダイナムコエンターテインメントとバンダイナムコオンラインがTGS2023に合同参加
#4gamer #鉄拳8 #アイドルマスターシャイニーカラーズSong_for_Prism #tekken #てっけん #東京ゲームショウ #TGS_2023
#4gamer #鉄拳8 #アイドルマスターシャイニーカラーズsong_for_prism #tekken #てっけん #東京ゲームショウ #tgs_2023
Conhece Azucena, uma personagem totalmente nova criada para #TEKKEN8, e Raven, o agente secreto de inteligência da ONU, que também regressa ao jogo após aparições em #TEKKEN 5 e TEKKEN 6.
#moshbitgaming #tekken #tekken8
I can't stop looking at coffee woman https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pPZQypBYSok&pp=ygUSQ29mZmVlIGxhZHkgdGVra2Vu #Tekken
#4gamer #鉄拳8 #tekken #てっけん
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 13 hrs. 14 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown -- #AustinCreed versus THE WORLD - #Tekken 7 — Ranked Play!: https://youtu.be/rO95l0RD3c0
(1 of 4)
#tekken #austincreed #upupdowndown
So I am watching the #Tekken movie from 2010 and these people decide to escape because they are now being forced to fight to the death so... they escape while killing several dozen or people.
Of course.
Playing SF6/GranBlue/Tekken7 at Defend The North this weekend. I am not nearly awake enough for 10am pools, let alone 8am. God bless anyone who can play their best that early.
#fgc #streeetfighter6 #tekken #granblue
Ez nuen Sanchez eta Feijoren arteko debatea ikusi, baina txiste on bat eta teknika erretoriko bat irakurri ditut.
Ghishen lauhazka https://eu.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gishen_lauhazka
Ez nuen Sanchez eta Feijoren arteko debatea ikusi, baina txiste hon bat eta teknika erretoriko bat irakurri ditut.
Ghishen lauhazka https://eu.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gishen_lauhazka
Thank you everyone who saw the stream. Hope to see you all next Friday. Let me know who should I draw next Friday. Happy Weekend :)
#fanart #hwoarang #tekken3 #tekken #colour #myheroacademia #mirko #rumi_usagiyama #rumi_usagiyama_fanart #myheroacademiafanart #mirkofanart #bunny #bunnygirl #fight #tekkenfanart #clipstudiopaint #fighter #girl #boy #anime #animeart #animegirl #action ... #pixivSketch https://sketch.pixiv.net/items/275457965271360012 https://pawoo.net/media/knfErZMCjsGazZDpn90
#pixivsketch #action #animegirl #animeart #anime #boy #girl #fighter #clipstudiopaint #TekkenFanart #fight #bunnygirl #bunny #mirkofanart #myheroacademiafanart #rumi_usagiyama_fanart #rumi_usagiyama #mirko #myheroacademia #colour #tekken #tekken3 #hwoarang #fanart
(5) 【TEKKEN 7】First Time with Kunimitsu【#Coyote / #KemoV】#tekken #鉄拳7 - YouTube