I bought #StreetFighter 6 in the Summer and have #MortalKombat1 on pre-order while eyeing up #Tekken8 in the New Year. I'm also looking at expensive all-button fight pads, knowing full-well I'm useless at fighting games! 😂
#streetfighter #mortalkombat1 #tekken8 #videogames
Before we played #Tekken8, today, we actually played some #AssassinsCreedJade.
It's an open world game with a China setting.
While the #gameplay and the #UI positively surprised me, I gotta say that the world felt a bit empty and lacked interesting details.
#Gamescom2023 #Convention #Gaming #VideoGames #ShareYourGames
#tekken8 #assassinscreedjade #gameplay #ui #gamescom2023 #convention #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
We just played some #Tekken8 and Kiki beat the shit out of me two times :')
At least I put up a proper fight 💪🏻
As I said, I suck at these games, but they are fun, nonetheless :D
#Gamescom2023 #Convention #Gaming #VideoGames #ShareYourGames
#tekken8 #gamescom2023 #convention #gaming #videogames #shareyourgames
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 11 hrs. 0 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown —
a. #Tekken8 Overview Trailer Reaction with #KofiKingston & #AustinCreed!!!: https://youtu.be/FkioAIpziuo?si=JdjwrY6d7CybeRbd
b. Battle of the Brands #BOTB #WWE2K23 - Time to Unleash The Cheat Code??? (Ep. 20): https://youtu.be/xyw0YekSpic?si=sUqyFiGKwfFp1GC3
(1 of 3)
#wwe2k23 #botb #austincreed #kofikingston #tekken8 #upupdowndown
Full trailer is here by the way: https://youtu.be/flXHAFNT4sU?si=MQW4QbXn7cZ9cfU_ #TEKKEN8
Poznaliśmy datę premiery Tekken 8! 💪
#tekken8 #gry #giereczkowo #pograne
- Los juegos de lucha también tuvieron su espacio, con el anuncio de #Tekken8, que saldrá el 26 de enero de 2024, y se centró bastante en el lanzamiento de #MortalKombat1.
#TEKKEN8 será lançado a 26 de Janeiro de 2024, com a lista final de 32 personagens únicas com seis novas revelações e o novíssimo Arcade Quest. Podem ver o trailer e mais detalhes no artigo.
[ACTU POP] Café Matin | Gamescom ONL en résumé >>> twitch.tv/sephyross #cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #gamescom #onl #sonic #tekken8 #starfield #lordsofthefallen #alanwake2
#cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #gamescom #onl #sonic #tekken8 #starfield #lordsofthefallen #alanwake2
El 26 de enero habemus #Tekken8, con Arcade Quest y un modo historia que sí me da mucha curiosidad. #gamescom2023
Tekken 8, annunciata la data di uscita: ci sarà una modalità single-player
#BandaiNamco #openingnightlivegamescom2023 #tekken8
Tekken 8 non avrà Denuvo, a confermarlo è Katsuhiro Harada
Evo 2023 Rundown | Colorwind News
>>> https://youtu.be/wezMTTlQLos
#ColorwindNews #gamingnews #gamingreels #EVO #Evo2023 #KOF13 #KingOfFightersXIII #StreetFighter6 #SF6 #MortalKombat1 #MK1 #FatalFuryCityOfTheWolves #UnderNightInBirth #UnderNightInBirth2SysCeles #KillerInstinct #Tekken8 #KingOfFightersXV #KOF15 #ProjectL #NickelodeonAllStarBrawl2 #GuiltyGearStrive
#colorwindnews #gamingnews #gamingreels #evo #evo2023 #kof13 #kingoffightersxiii #streetfighter6 #sf6 #mortalkombat1 #mk1 #fatalfurycityofthewolves #undernightinbirth #undernightinbirth2sysceles #killerinstinct #tekken8 #kingoffightersxv #kof15 #projectl #nickelodeonallstarbrawl2 #guiltygearstrive
TEKKEN 8 presenta a Azucena de Perú y al agente de inteligencia secreta Raven
#noticias #bandainamco #tekken8
Conhece Azucena, uma personagem totalmente nova criada para #TEKKEN8, e Raven, o agente secreto de inteligência da ONU, que também regressa ao jogo após aparições em #TEKKEN 5 e TEKKEN 6.
#moshbitgaming #tekken #tekken8
Tekken 8, svelato il nuovo personaggio Azucena: ritorna Raven
#BandaiNamco #evo2023 #tekken8