#RPGaDAY2023 jour 16 : #jdr à posséder de ma liste de SOUHAIT
#tekumel (mais juste pour la collection :) )
New « burn your idols » episode : MAR Barker (of #Tekumel #ttrpg fame) was a neo nazi activist.
_ « In 1991 he published a neo-Nazi novel under a pseudonym. Between 1990 and 2002, Barker also served as a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Journal of Historical Review, which advocated Holocaust denial. »_ (Source wikipedia)
Day 5: Oldest game I've played? Other people are going to cite D&D 1e, but not me.
No, it's Empire of the Petal Throne.
That was a long, long time ago, in the days before the web, in fact. Yes, we played TTRPGs online in the days before the web. It happened.
Beautiful setting but mechanics I wouldn't wish on anyone these days. In fact, the newest iteration aren't mechanics I'd wish on people. Still, lovely.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #tekumel #empireofthepetalthrone
Fabled Lands: "Science fantasy gets a makeover"
Fun session of Petal Hack tonight. Shopping expeditions including barrel shaped Ahoggya and mild mannered worshippers of the Lord of Worms, a dinner party, an expedition and death by snake.
#tekumel #empireofthepetalthrone
Grognardia: "Slow and Steady"
#rpg #ept #tekumel #empireofthepetalthrone
Dyson's Dodecahedron: "Almost time to learn the real magic!"
#rpg #tekumel #empireofthepetalthrone
Looking through some #RPG books I'm thinking of selling, one of which is the #Tékumel supplement "The Art of Tactical Sorcery". Quite rare, it seems, which is good.
Less good is that the previous owner seems to have lost the centre pages. I thought I'd managed to get scans of the missing material, but can only find two of the four sides. Which is annoying. Can't imagine anyone will be too keen on buying that.
After a quick search, which I should have done before posting it really, I found the original source from 2008: https://odd74.proboards.com/thread/1379/table-despair
Found on the Internet many moons ago (two of them being Gayél and Káshi*), "Korgoth's Table of Despair" was designed by some mad genius for their Empire of the Petal Throne game: "[It's] an open invitation… such that anyone can show up and play for any given night's expedition, the PCs are expected to be out of the underworld at the end of the session. Whoever is not gets to roll on The Table of Despair." Grab your d10 and pray to your god!
*A bit of Tékumel humour there, kids.
Welcome to Jakalla!
Rolling up characters for a Fresh off the Boat Tekumel game.
Brett Slocum's Petal Hack under the hood.
Looking forward to this adventure.
#empireofthepetalthrone #tekumel
Omniglot: "Writing Systems of Tékumel"
Fabled Lands: "Coronation Time"
#rpg #tekumel #empireofthepetalthrone
Dyson's Dodecahedron: "#Dungeon23 – Tumíssan Underworld Zone 2 Complete"
Fabled Lands: "The Absent Present"
The human religion of Under the Giant's Shadow uses a caduceus as a holy symbol, and their cathedrals have passages above and below that mirror the snakes winding around the building. These serve as a 'stations of the cross' where traversing from head to tail and back imparts wisdom/ divine blessing.
I really wanted to call this a "serpents walk" but felt sure I'd heard that term poorly recently and made sue to google it.
Goddamm it Barker, you nazi asshole.
Dyson's Dodecahedron: "The Tumíssan Underworld – Background on Tumíssa and a wee bit about Tekumel & M.A.R. Barker"
2. Favourite game world.
I don't really have one. I spend my time flitting between games and worlds.
I spent many years in my youth tramping around Prax and Sartar in #glorantha ( #RuneQuest then #HeroQuest ). I've paid a few visits to Poseidon for #BluePlanet (and done some writing for the upcoming new edition). #tekumel is a great setting, despite some recent revelations about its creator.
#glorantha #runequest #heroquest #BluePlanet #tekumel #gtkm #ttrpg
Oh my...
Now I've got a REAL problem.
I think I'm doing this instead of Dyson's Delve II.
WORSE, I am considering doing both?
Help me...