Also AFAICT #Telecomix are kinda dissolved or inactive...
The website is gone...
Ny #introduktion då min förra raderats för länge sedan av den automatiska rensningen jag kör här!
Webbutvecklare uppvuxen på Aftonbladets chatt, Geocities och IRC. Höll på med olika digitala projekt kring #telecomix etc när det begav sig.
Stor del av fritiden ägnas till #scouting, varit ledare i snart 10 år eller så.
Bosatt i #gbgftw
#introduktion #telecomix #Scouting #gbgftw
I have been a true lurker since 2018 without posting anything but will try to be more active in the coming 4 years.
Still think internet chat peaked with IRC, especially #discobbedienti, #piratbyran and #telecomix.
Right now, my mind is on the other side and on networked media in the 80s and 90s (heta linjen ftw) and not post too much about my regular research activities.
#telecomix #piratbyran #discobbedienti
Huh, turns out I need to redo my pinned #introduction:
I've been on the fediverse since a _long_ time, previously mostly on, seen a lot of things move, seen a lot of things cool down.
I am, in no particular order, a musician of various kinds, a programmer, an academic, a white cis guy, a hacker, a burned-out activist (#telecomix among other things), a teacher, a student, appreciative and occasionally a contributor of art, of thought, and of justice.
Umeå, SE he/him
Je re-post ce lien de Mediapart sur #telecomix
vraiment passionnant
pour celleux qui sont pas abo, donnez moi une adresse mail en DM et je vous l'envoie
Une pensée aux #Telecomix au travers de cet article
Gloire à #Telecomix
les anciens combattants numériques des révolutions arabes se livrent | Mediapart
@im Vous rigolez tous avec cette histoire hein.
Ça fait une semaine que la méditerranée est bouchée. Le bateau là, hein, il est au milieux du canal. Alors, hein, vous y pensez, quant il vont déboucher? aux MILLIARDS de tonnes d'eau qui vont débarquer d'un coup. Toute la péninsule arabique sous 10 mètres d'eau. Pourra toujours appeler #telecomix pour restaurer la 5G.
Enfin, je déconne, hahaha, mais sérieux, les gus de la Route du Rhum, comment y vont passer ?
I've been on the fediverse since a _long_ time, previously mostly on, seen a lot of things move, seen a lot of things cool down.
I am, in no particular order, a musician of various kinds, a programmer, an academic, a white cis guy, a hacker, a burned-out activist (#telecomix among other things), a teacher, a student, appreciative and occasionally a contributor of art, of thought, and of justice.
Currently in CH, previously in SE.
Free software, free people (an old episode from Talk python to me) #podcast #telecomix