Car Free Day is Friday, September 22, 2023
Take the pledge, even if you’re already car #free.
Choose the travel method that fits you best!
Telework or use Transit, Carpool/Vanpool (Car-Lite), Bike, Scooter, or Walk!
🚶♀️ 🛴 🚴♂️ 🚌 🚇 🚆 💻
Pledge here▶️
#transitTooter #transit #commuter #maryland #carfreeday2023 #carfree #bicycle #walk #telework #telecommuting
#free #transitTooter #transit #commuter #maryland #carfreeday2023 #carfree #bicycle #walk #telework #telecommuting
Speaking as someone who *very* recently worked for a company in the metaverse space, #Zoom is practically saying "we're a fraud and ready to give up." That's not how you build trust in your product. My employer talked the talk *and* walked the walk.
If I were on the Zoom corporate board, I'd be discussing a Julius Caesar-style meeting with the CEO. He can't seem to stop himself.
#zoom #remotework #telecommuting #metaverse
Tech Firms Once Powered New York’s Economy. Now They’re Scaling Back. - After years of steady growth, many technology companies are laying off workers and giving... - #realestateandhousing(residential) #shutdowns(institutional) #computersandtheinternet #layoffsandjobreductions #realestate(commercial) #coronavirus(2019-ncov) #siliconvalley(calif) #unionsquareventures #salesforce.cominc #telecommuting
#telecommuting #salesforce #unionsquareventures #siliconvalley #coronavirus #realestate #layoffsandjobreductions #computersandtheinternet #shutdowns #realestateandhousing
How many so called "high-net-worth individuals" are out there??
I guess enough to make a post about it...
I call bull on that cause I know: high-net-worth individuals or not: you want to be comfortable as much as in any way possible where #comfortable is not a brand name!!
You need to start with being an independent contractor / freelancer using #telecommuting Means you are an independent entrepreneur, self-employed and work from where you wish!!
Wearing as you wish!
Lyft Employees Told to Return to Office as New Chief Executive Lays Out Vision - A day after nearly 1,100 people were laid off, the struggling company told its remaining ... - #appointmentsandexecutivechanges #coronavirusreturntooffice #carservicesandliverycabs #computersandtheinternet #risherdavid(1965-) #telecommuting #lyftinc
#lyftinc #telecommuting #risherdavid #computersandtheinternet #carservicesandliverycabs #coronavirusreturntooffice #appointmentsandexecutivechanges
NYT Architecture : Studio Railroad: This Home Office in Washington Is Also a Train #RealEstateandHousing(Residential) #InteriorDesignandFurnishings #ContentType:PersonalProfile #HomeRepairsandImprovements #RestorationandRenovation #OrderlinessandClutter #SustainableLiving #Telecommuting #Seattle(Wash) #Architecture #Kundig,Tom #Railroads
#realestateandhousing #interiordesignandfurnishings #contenttype #homerepairsandimprovements #restorationandrenovation #orderlinessandclutter #sustainableliving #telecommuting #seattle #architecture #kundig #railroads
NYT Architecture : Here’s How to Solve a 25-Story Rubik’s Cube #RealEstateandHousing(Residential) #Buildings(Structures) #Philadelphia(Pa) #Manhattan(NYC) #Telecommuting #Architecture #Zoning
#realestateandhousing #buildings #philadelphia #manhattan #telecommuting #architecture #zoning
Kotaku: Activision Blizzard Is Forcing Workers Back To The Office #gaming #tech #kotaku #blizzardentertainment #activisionpublishing #videogamepublishers #activisionblizzard #videogamecompanies #telecommuting #activision #blizzard #labor #wfh
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #blizzardentertainment #activisionpublishing #videogamepublishers #ActivisionBlizzard #videogamecompanies #telecommuting #activision #blizzard #labor #wfh
13/ And let's not forget that the BEST commute is NO commute. Covid has shown that while there are drawback, #telecommuting can work for MANY jobs. It's carbon efficient, and requires at most limited upgrades to infrastructure. If we can even cut back one or two commutes per week per worker, that would be a HUGE improvement. But there are many job categories where this ISN'T possible, and that's where we get into unintended consequences. Should be another thread. This one's too long...
Someone in the A-suite of #corporations can tell me, perhaps, why forcing employees back into the office with a surge in #COVID cases happening is a good idea? Keeping your people healthy and also saving money on real estate and utilities seems like a much better idea. You can have hotel cubes (you probably already do) for needed office days. Just a guess but this seems more a desire on your part for MBWA. #telecommuting #RemoteWork #business #management
#management #business #RemoteWork #telecommuting #COVID #corporations
The trend towards #workfromhome has had negative impacts on American cities, including declining office attendance, commercial real estate demand, property values, and tax revenues. It has also led to lost smalltime commerce and sales taxes for urban centers, and has had negative effects on mass transit systems. These trends may reinforce each other, leading to the decline of cities. #telecommuting #urbanplanning
#workfromhome #telecommuting #urbanplanning
Elon Musk, Management Guru? - Why the Twitter owner’s ruthless, unsparing style has made him a hero to many bosses in S... - #executivesandmanagement(theory) #corporatesocialresponsibility #computersandtheinternet #employeefringebenefits #workplaceenvironment #andreessenhorowitz #andreessenmarcl #telecommuting #laborandjobs #socialmedia #muskelon #twitter
#twitter #muskelon #socialmedia #laborandjobs #telecommuting #andreessenmarcl #andreessenhorowitz #workplaceenvironment #employeefringebenefits #computersandtheinternet #corporatesocialresponsibility #executivesandmanagement
Forget Free Coffee. What Matters Is if Workers Feel Returning Is Worth It. - Commutes are still painful, readers say. And it’s hard to give up the joys of working fro... - #habitsandroutines(behavior) #coronavirusreturntooffice #coronavirus(2019-ncov) #workplaceenvironment #telecommuting
#telecommuting #workplaceenvironment #coronavirus #coronavirusreturntooffice #habitsandroutines
Hackaday Links: October 2, 2022 - “Necessity is the mother of invention,” or so the saying goes. We’ve never held to... - #autonomousvehicle #hackadaycolumns #stablediffusion #hackadaylinks #telecommuting #workfromhome #jabberwocky #automation #googlyeyes #midjourney #pedsetrian #powershell #spaceforce #dall-e2 #slider #eyes
#eyes #slider #dall #spaceforce #powershell #pedsetrian #midjourney #googlyeyes #automation #jabberwocky #workfromhome #telecommuting #hackadaylinks #stablediffusion #hackadaycolumns #autonomousvehicle
Hackaday Links: October 2, 2022
#autonomousvehicle #HackadayColumns #stablediffusion #Hackadaylinks #hackadaylinks #telecommuting #workfromhome #Jabberwocky #automation #googlyeyes #Midjourney #pedsetrian #powershell #SpaceForce #DALL-E2 #Slider #eyes
#autonomousvehicle #HackadayColumns #stablediffusion #Hackadaylinks #telecommuting #workfromhome #Jabberwocky #automation #GooglyEyes #midjourney #pedsetrian #powershell #spaceforce #dall #slider #eyes
Screen New Deal and the World After COVID: a Technological Dystopia? #automatedconveniencestores #sustainableanimalhusbandry #ArtificialIntelligence #technologicalcompanies #SocialCreditSystem #technoautoritarism #controloverpeople #onlineeducation #dehumanization #endofdemocracy #relocalization #technofanatism #ScreenNewDeal #telecommuting #cyber-rights #robotization #thenewnormal #5G
#automatedconveniencestores #sustainableanimalhusbandry #artificialintelligence #technologicalcompanies #SocialCreditSystem #technoautoritarism #controloverpeople #onlineeducation #dehumanization #endofdemocracy #relocalization #technofanatism #ScreenNewDeal #telecommuting #cyber #robotization #thenewnormal #5g
10 Ways to make Your Remote Work Easy and Secure - Corona Virus has resulted in a rapid shift to work across many industries. But how can companies b... more: #identityandaccessmanagement #multi-factorauthentication #two-factorauthentication #identitymanagement #authentication #remotedesktop #cybersecurity #telecommuting #technologies #remoteoffice #contributed #coronavirus #lastpass
#lastpass #coronavirus #contributed #remoteoffice #technologies #telecommuting #cybersecurity #remotedesktop #authentication #identitymanagement #two #multi #identityandaccessmanagement
Episode 179: CISO Eye on the Virus Guy – Assessing COVID’s Cyber Risks - In this episode of the podcast (#179), CISO Kayne McGlandry of IEEE joins us to talk about the cyber... more: #riskmanagement #telecommuting #coronavirus #companies #interview #podcasts #covid19 #podcast #ieee #risk
#risk #ieee #podcast #COVID19 #podcasts #interview #companies #coronavirus #telecommuting #riskmanagement
Working from home? Switch off Amazon's Alexa (say lawyers) | ZDNet #Telecommuting #homeoffice #wfh
One of the byproducts of doing all your work from home is that you might be discussing confidential matters. And who might overhear them? Well, there's your smart speakers....
#telecommuting #homeoffice #wfh