#telecomsdrumbeat #networktraffic #traffictax #fairshare https://www.netopia.eu/network-fees-and-the-creative-sector/ What about the European creative sector? Would those companies be impacted by #networkfees? What is Disney refuses to pay? Will e.g Orange block Disney from the web?
Netopia look at the facts ⤵️
#telecomsdrumbeat #networktraffic #traffictax #FairShare #networkfees
#telecomsdrumbeat "Pay more because you want the light blink faster on your router......or pay more so you can watch live TV, latest films and endless apps and services".
#telecomsdrumbeat #fairshare #internettraffictax
Not to mention how telcos often sell package deals with content services, effectively integrating them in their consumer offer and relying on that value to attract customers.
#telecomsdrumbeat #FairShare #InternetTrafficTax
Guess what: you can increase your upload capacity by buying a better plan. The sender pays. The same business logic applies to anyone with a server.