Is there a solution in #telegram to receive messages from 1(!) conversation as a notification on the mobile phone, but not in the number of the app icon badge?
That conversation serves as the source for a bot that runs locally on the mobile phone, so turning off the notifications of that conversation COMPLETELY is not an option if I want to trigger a bot with it. Automatically marking as read 1 minute after receipt (eg) would also be a solution. #telegramhelp #telegramtips
#telegramtips #telegramhelp #Telegram
Is er een oplossing om in #telegram berichten van 1(!) gesprek wel als melding te krijgen op de GSM maar niet in het cijfertje van de app pictogrambadge?
Dzt gesprek dient als source voor een bot die lokaal draait op de gsm, de meldingen van dat gesprek VOLLEDIG afzetten is dus geen optie als ik bot wil triggeren ermee. #telegramhelp #telegramtips
#telegramtips #telegramhelp #Telegram
#telegram doesn't allow me to select multiple contacts anymore when forwarding a message/image (pressing select shows the little circles to click, but once I click one it immediately forwards to that contact). iOS, works fine on Android. Issue only in Telegram, reinstalling Telegram didn't solve it. iPhone 11, all up to date, yadda yadda. Halps? #phonehelp #ioshelp #telegramhelp #buggy
#telegram #phonehelp #ioshelp #telegramhelp #buggy