Still some time left to get in some summer music. Evrybody has their own summer music in their head. No, it doesn't have to be the Beach Boys. Just something that you associate with this time of year. I have my own list which is way too long to post here. While the song Family Haircut by Agent Ribbons doesn't sound particularly summer-y, the gorgeous video for it certainly is to me. One of my favourites. Directed by Melissa Cha.
#familyhaircut #telenovella #agentribbons
Wonderful news! Tele Novella (Natalie and Jason) has returned! ❤ ❤ ❤
Here's the first song released off of their next album Poet's Tooth due out at the beginning of October this year.
"What a hard-hearted way
that you gaze into me
How you hate what you see
That reminds you of you"
#telenovella #agentribbons #nataliegordon #jasonchronis #poetstooth
#poetstooth #jasonchronis #nataliegordon #agentribbons #telenovella