Have a listen to this..
1977 Ma Bell Commercial
#Telephones #Sounds #Commercial #TvCommercial #MaBell #Retro #Vintage #TelephoneSounds
#telephones #sounds #commercial #tvcommercial #mabell #retro #vintage #telephonesounds
Pause momentanée pour causette par écrit - #2016 #Aprèsmidi #Arbres #Automne #BlackAndWhite #Canon #City #EOS5DMarkIII #Europe #France #Hommes #JardinduPalaisRoyal #Modeportrait #Monochrome #NoiretBlanc #Ombre #Paris #Photographiederue #RegardsParisiens #Soleil #StreetPhotography #Téléphones #Ville
#apresmidi #arbres #automne #blackandwhite #canon #city #eos5dmarkiii #europe #france #hommes #jardindupalaisroyal #Modeportrait #monochrome #noiretblanc #ombre #paris #photographiederue #regardsparisiens #soleil #streetphotography #telephones #ville
@ampledata frankly, a completely whitelisted communication platform is being supported beyond it's practical scale ... It'll continue to become publicly-funded infrastructure as most people migrate to online systems where everyone is effectively blacklisted by default except those you choose to be your contacts
An interesting telephone anniversary being celebrated today! #telephones #telephoneexchange #stddialling
#stddialling #telephoneexchange #telephones
@Fredhead We were in a (sort of old-fashioned) hotel this past weekend and it had a phone in the bathroom
and I kept wondering... why?
Why did people used to always install phones in the bathroom? And yes particularly next to the toilet???
I have *never* spoken to someone on the phone while in the bathroom. Never. Never ever.
Was it for safety reasons? Or am I just an outlier?
#inquiringmindswanttoknow #telephones
Digital data yields suspect in Idaho murders (NYT) #EconTwitter #cars #crime #data #dna #murder #privacy #telephones
#econtwitter #cars #crime #data #dna #murder #privacy #telephones
Snowden and state surveillance: the view from The Guardian, ten years later #EconTwitter #crime #data #news #privacy #repugnance #telephones
#econtwitter #crime #data #news #privacy #repugnance #telephones
Bell telephone systems 1964 advertisement
#Telephones #Advertisement #ephemera #Decor #InteriorDesign #Phones #Retro #Vintage
#telephones #advertisement #ephemera #decor #interiordesign #phones #retro #vintage
_The Evening Post_, 7 May 1923:
Sir,— May I be granted a little space in your columns to voice the most unsatisfactory way the “1d in the slot” telephone at the Wallace street terminus is working? This machine is nearly always out of order, causing a lot of inconvenience to the many who use it.… —l am, etc.,
#OnThisDay #OTD #NewZealand #PapersPast #Telephones #Phones
#onthisday #otd #newzealand #paperspast #telephones #phones
Access cover with the distinctive Art Nouveau logo of the Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Company on Bath Street in Glasgow.
This company was formed in 1911 and changed its name to the Automatic Electric Company in 1932, making this cover between 91 and 112 years old.
It's only the second such cover I've come across om the streets of Glasgow (but I'm sure there must be more out there!).
#glasgow #manholecovers #oldmanholecover
#streetfurniture #telephones #glasgowhistory #artnouveau
#artnouveau #glasgowhistory #telephones #streetfurniture #oldmanholecover #manholecovers #glasgow
Les #téléphones #pliants, espoirs d’un marché du smartphone qui se raccroche au haut de gamme.
Cette typologie de produit constitue l’innovation la plus tangible qui se repose sur des améliorations incrémentales (5G, meilleur appareil photo etc.), mais reste de niche.
@GailN I remember a 'phone service where one could do exactly that, whistling tunes down the line, hitting the news headlines a couple of decades ago. Before even Shazam's first telephone service. History repeats itself.
"Je voulais réduire le temps passé devant l'écran"
La génération Z adopte les #téléphones à clapet, et c'est bien plus intelligent qu'on ne le pense via @zdnetfr@twitter.com https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/la-generation-z-adopte-les-telephones-a-clapet-et-c-est-bien-plus-intelligent-qu-on-ne-le-pense-39953340.htm#xtor=RSS-1
🎞️https://youtu.be/moCr6Miho0M 2021
19/20 F3
Alsace, l'usine de Huawei, les Oreilles de la Chine
#Huawei #Chine #France #particommunistechinois #surveillance #collaborer #UnionEuropéenne #JeanMarieLeGuen #tousanticovid #HuaweiFrance #dictature #dictatureChinoise #Alsace #macronie #sécurité #colonisation #socialisme #communisme #trahison #SécuritéIntérieure #emmanuelmacon #droitsdelhomme #criminalité 🤬#hautetrahison #corruption #oreilles #téléphonie #téléphones #confinement #identiténumérique
#huawei #Chine #france #particommunistechinois #surveillance #collaborer #unioneuropeenne #jeanmarieleguen #tousanticovid #huaweifrance #dictature #dictaturechinoise #Alsace #macronie #securite #colonisation #socialisme #communisme #trahison #securiteinterieure #emmanuelmacon #droitsdelhomme #criminalite #hautetrahison #Corruption #oreilles #telephonie #telephones #confinement #identitenumerique
Apparently a #prediction of what would happen if pocket #telephones were invented.
I think they hit the nail square on the head!
Ofcom removes requirement for fax support on BT/Openreach and KCOM lines #fax #ofcom #telephones #endofanera
#fax #ofcom #telephones #endofanera
Je voulais faire un long tweet de réaction, mais je ne dirai qu'une chose: ultracrépidarianisme
🇫🇷 FLASH | L’épouse du #président de la République Brigitte #Macron, souhaiterait le retour de l'uniforme à l'#école et l'interdiction des #téléphones dans les #lycées.
(Le Parisien) #LOL
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ConflitsFrance/status/1613267425310515200
#president #macron #ecole #telephones #lycees #lol
As someone who worked as a directory assistance operator for more years than I want to recall, I'm happy to see this job disappear. Despite (usually) being a union job, the working conditions sucked. The pace was too fast -- and kept getting faster -- and the anonymity of the callers brought out all their meanness and bad behavior. It was the most stressful and least satisfying job I've ever had.
#411 #DirectoryAssistance #telephones
#telephones #directoryassistance
"Air Call's Greatest Hit - Cellular Radio" was a #CassetteTape produced by "Air Call Ltd" about the launch of #CellularRadio #Telephones in the UK.
It's a mixture of phone related songs, sketches, and adverts selling the benefits of being able to make phone calls on the move
It's undated, but I believe it's from about 1984, shortly before #Cellnet was launched to the public in 85.
#vintagetelephone #Phone #cellnet #telephones #cellularradio #cassettetape