@stgreenie Excellent work! My feeble contribution...
What if the tree falls, & though nobody was there to see it [ergo, this was a totally silent event; 😜], it sadly fell onto a butterfly, which was so alarmed at its impending demise, flapped its wings so hard that it created a hurricane on the other side of the planet?
The hurricane was so severe, yet also so strategic, that it only took out all the #RWNJs, #Fascists, #Racists, #Misogynists, #Transphobes, #Homophobes, #ClimateDeniers, #Religions, #TelephoneSanitisers, #AdvertisingExecutives, & also #Gannets [coz they wet their nests].
I'd lionise that selfless tree & butterfly; erect statues of them everywhere.
Oh well, at least a gal can dream [of androids & electric sheep?].
#rwnjs #fascists #racists #misogynists #transphobes #homophobes #climatedeniers #religions #telephonesanitisers #advertisingexecutives #gannets #whimsy