Love it when problems solve themselves.
I was trying to figure out how to teleport in order to fit in a meeting with many busy people, that could only be at that one specific time which is inconvenient but not impossible for me so I said "yes".... and now the meeting has been moved to a time *much* easier for me.
#AcademicLife #Academia #teleportation #calendar #TooManyMeetings
#academiclife #academia #teleportation #calendar #toomanymeetings
Suppose that teleporters are invented, and can instantly transport you anywhere you want. It's easy and affordable - but it works by deconstructing your body as you enter the teleporter, and reconstructing it on the other side.
Would you ever use such a teleporter?
#fedipoll #teleportation #scifi
@jaztrophysicist @Toniours
Pour vous les Copouets un moment de pure sérénité de cette balade où j'en ai pris plein les mirettes que je partage et espère parviens à communiquer ! #Teleportation
If we were given the teachings of #Jesus as they were delivered at the time, without manipulation of the #church, we would be traveling through #time and #space, bodies would mean nothing to us and we would be truly happy and in #peace. Of course, climate change, let alone climate emergency would be a non-issue. There would not be any war on earth. #timetravel #teleportation #climatechange #climateemergency
#jesus #church #time #space #peace #timetravel #teleportation #climatechange #climateemergency
All four outcomes occur statistically with equal frequency.
So Alice and Bob get the same result (statistically) half the
... no shh... Sherlock / going throud some quantum publications
#quantum #experiment #entanglement #teleportation
If you could have just one super power, what would it be and why would you choose it?
For me, it would be teleportation. Simply so that I could go anywhere I wanted at any given second and I would use it to see every part of the world that I possibly could.
#question #superpower #teleportation
So nowadays we have "Navigating the Semi-colonialism" for ships, "Driving toward Modernity" for automobiles, and "Railroads and the Transformation of China" for trains.
Are we ready for searching #ChineseModernity in planes, rockets, spacecrafts, and #teleportation ?
#chinesemodernity #teleportation #chinesehistory
If you could have just one super power, what would it be and why?
For me, it would be teleportation. I'd love to just teleport to anywhere at any given moment. I would be able to visit the hundreds of places that I likely will never be able to visit.
#questions #superpower #teleportation #allthingstech
If (no, when) #teleportation becomes possible, will you give up your car?
Anton Petrov
Experimental Evidence for Quantum Teleportation of Energy and Negative Energy
#AntonPetrov #energy #entanglement #energyTeleportation #negativeEnergy #teleportation
#antonpetrov #energy #entanglement #energyteleportation #negativeenergy #teleportation
@effies super intriguing - not only can the spooky action at a distance transmit information through #entanglement but also energy. Also fun that Martin-Martinez factors in this story, though no relation to yours truly! #quantum #teleportation
#teleportation #quantum #entanglement
Je viens de découvrir un nouveau moyen de voyager : le téléportation ! Bien sûr, je n'ai pas encore essayé, mais ça semble être une façon incroyablement excitante et rapide de voyager d'un endroit à un autre. #voyage #téléportation #futuriste
#voyage #teleportation #futuriste
#SabineHossenfelder - Does #Kirk die when he goes through the #Transporter?
#StarTrek #Trek #StarTrekTechnology #Teleportation #Philosophy #Physics #QuantumPhysics #QuantumMechanics #QM #CaptainKirk #JamesTKirk #CaptainJamesTKirk #CaptainKirk #Beaming
#beaming #captainjamestkirk #jamestkirk #captainkirk #qm #quantummechanics #quantumphysics #physics #philosophy #teleportation #startrektechnology #trek #startrek #Transporter #kirk #sabinehossenfelder
#ITByte: A brief overview of #Quantum #Internet and Quantum #Teleportation
#teleportation #Internet #quantum #itbyte
Teleportation Breakthrough?
From the Debrief
The first experimental demonstration of quantum energy teleportation on real quantum hardware has been observed, according to new research that also cites observations of negative energy.
#science #quantum #teleportation
"Teleportation landscapes transition - traveling in time". Software: CAD for generating the 3D model and 3DMax for the scene/rendering. Year created: 2005.
#teleportation #timetravel #DigitalArt #videoart #transition #3D #3dart #3dmodeling #3danimation #render #3dmax #3dscene #visualization #metaversural #original
#original #metaversural #visualization #3dscene #3dmax #render #3danimation #3dmodeling #3dart #3d #transition #videoart #DigitalArt #timetravel #teleportation
New episode of Cleown Musk. All previous episodes are on tapas and will be on webtoons (currently catching up there) If you like the comic then retweet/boost!
#Musk #plane #doxxing #twitter #comedy #teleportation #escape
#musk #plane #doxxing #twitter #comedy #teleportation #escape
Could quantum physics unlock teleportation?
Physicists are making leaps in quantum teleportation, but it's still a long ways from 'Star Trek.'
#startrek #teleport #teleportation #technology #science #scifi
#startrek #teleport #teleportation #Technology #science #scifi
Oui, j'ai vu "La mouche", mais le téléporteur me semble plus sûr qu'une mutation génétique ! #Voyage #Téléportation