#11Abr, the website of Guyana's #Petroleum Management Programme was #hacked. The #hackers had placed an image of the #Venezuelan map reading "The #Essequibo is Venezuelan," referring to the recent #ICJ ruling.
Same day, the #Telesur website was also affected by images that call for #freedom for #Venezuela & #Cuba.
More on: linktr.ee/rorshokvenezuela
#rorshok #venezuela #venezolanosenelmundo #venezolanosenusa #venezolanosenperu #venezolanosencolombia #noticiasvenezuela #cybersecurity
#11abr #petroleum #hacked #hackers #venezuelan #essequibo #icj #telesur #freedom #venezuela #cuba #rorshok #venezolanosenelmundo #venezolanosenusa #venezolanosenperu #venezolanosencolombia #noticiasvenezuela #cybersecurity
Ahora en #TeleSur: Continúan homenajes al comandante #HugoChávez en #Venezuela.
#telesur #hugochavez #venezuela
Ahora en #TeleSur: Canales de #Venecia en #Italia casi secos por mareas bajas. Los corredores húmedos sirven como vías de trasporte, pero la situación impide que las #góndolas naveguen por ciertas zonas. 😱😥
#telesur #venecia #italia #gondolas
RT @telesurenglish@twitter.com
Let's go from zero to be millions again. Subscribe! - After our Spanish language teleSUR account was hacked on Youtube we are back and aim to be stronger than ever, so if you want your news in Spanish follow the link and subscribe. #telesur #news #YouTube https://twitter.com/pvillegas_tlSUR/status/1611518750251012097
Another #crapitalist #Illegalist captured, responsible for the #murder and #enslavement of tens of thousands working class people, if not more.. Not counting the death of countless working classes whom fell #victim to their #drugs
He may like to profile himself as a business man.. But he is a fascist to his victims..
On Thursday, #Mexican regime authorities captured the Sinaloa drug cartel leader Ovidio #guzman , son of U.S.-imprisoned dealer Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, in Culiacan municipality.
#crapitalist #illegalist #murder #enslavement #mexican #guzman #telesur #victim #drugs
Far-right groups commite crimes in Santa Cruz, where 27 public and private infrastructures were damaged, 44 vehicles were destroyed, and 26 police officers were injured. #fascism #bolivia #telesur
On Wednesday, Bolivia's Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo of the Bolivian regime announced that 76 people are being prosecuted for the consequences of acts of violence that took place amid protests against the detention of Santa Cruz Governor Luis Fernando Camacho.
#Telesur reporter Brian Mier on Twitter “Breaking: Lightning strikes 4 Bolsonaro supporters in front of a military base in Brasília, where scores of far-right activists have been camped out for weeks praying for a military coup. Noone appears to be seriously injured.” https://twitter.com/BrianMteleSUR/status/1604672843936997381 #Brazil #Lula #Bolsonaro
#telesur #brazil #lula #bolsonaro
#NewPipe y #FreeTube se han convertido en mis apps por defecto en mi #fairphone y mi #linux de escritorio (que uso 90% del tiempo)
Lo curioso es que despues de meses de estar usandolas descubro que tienen la opcion de sucribir a los canales.
Y hace unas 2 semanas me he puesto a la tarea de ir añadiendo aquellos canales que mas me interesan... por asi decirlo, me gusta la idea de agregar canales de todos los paises castellano y germano-parlantes y cual no ha sido mi sorpresa al descubrir que de los medios oficiales de venezuela, solo #Telesur sigue en YT y los demas han sido victimas de la ya reconocida #censura (Ve, VTV y otros)
Newpipe tiene ademas la propiedad de añadir canales de #peertube ( #fediverso ), pero como los servidores ahi son tan inestables y los canales con suerte consiguen sobrevivir algunos meses, he desistido definitivamente de apostar por esa alternativa.
#newpipe #freetube #fairphone #linux #telesur #censura #peertube #fediverso
Thank you #TeleSur for continuing to highlight the case of #JulianAssange.
The world needs more #whisteblowers.
#telesur #julianassange #whisteblowers #freejulianassange
#Mostodon és como un buen Monstro :D Puedo marcar el Señor Maduro :) @Nicolas_Maduro
Yo veo casy todas las noches la #telesur. Que Bueno que su atitud como jefe de estado de Venezuela y en Caribe :D
Estoy aqui en Nombre del Tiempo.. Espero que se Inglês sea mejor que el mio :D
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda
@telesur_en@newsbots.eu TeleSUR are Russian propaganda and cannot be relied on to provide useful information other than what the Kremlin wants others to believe.
#telesur #ukraine #russia #propaganda