"Jesus He Knows Me" is a song by English rock band #Genesis from their 14th studio album, #WeCantDance (1991), released in July 1992 as the album's fourth single. The song is a satire of #televangelism, released in a period when several televangelists such as #JimmySwaggart, #RobertTilton and #JimBakker were under investigation for promising financial success to their listeners, provided they sent money to them. The song reached No. 10 in Canada.
#genesis #wecantdance #televangelism #jimmyswaggart #roberttilton #jimbakker
Pat Robertson has died. Ding-dong!
(Feel free to read that as a Wizard of Oz reference or just as me calling the former Rev. Robertson a complete ding-dong.)
Hopefully his hate-spewing "700 Club" TV show will either vanish or mend its ways soon.
Headline from Rolling Stone's coverage:
#televangelism #LGBTQ #queer #gay #trans #homophobia #transphobia #bigotry #PatRobertson #700Club
#televangelism #lgbtq #queer #gay #trans #homophobia #transphobia #bigotry #patrobertson #700club
by @owillis & #BenDimiero in #MediaMatters:
"Televangelist Pat Robertson ... made headlines for suggesting that homosexuality may be driven by 'demonic possession.' In recent years, Robertson has labeled a wide (and frequently bizarre) range of things as demonic, including: feng shui, yoga, karate, horoscopes, Twilight, paintings of Buddha, television shows about ghosts, Halloween, psychics, young girls levitating their friends at sleepovers, and (sometimes) adopted children from other countries."
#PatRobertson #700Club #Televangelist #Televangelism #demons #DemonicPossession
#bendimiero #mediamatters #PatRobertson #700club #Televangelist #televangelism #demons #demonicpossession
'He is Incorporated!' - 2015
#protestart #politicalart #art #evangelism #televangelism #hypocrisy #Capitalism #politicalcartoon #ChristianNationalism #usa
#USA #ChristianNationalism #politicalcartoon #Capitalism #hypocrisy #televangelism #evangelism #Art #politicalart #protestart
#Islam #Turkey #creationism #televangelism
Adnan Oktar gets 8,658 years, which seems a tad … redundant?
For academic background on Oktar’s / Harun Yahya’s enterprise and message, see Anne Ross Solberg’s carefully contextualized and titillatingly titled study “The Mahdi Wears Armani” (2013), available at http://sh.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:626688/FULLTEXT01.pdf (it precedes these trials and the Gülen coup attempt, though, and you’ll have to look elsewhere for “sex cult” exposés).
#islam #turkey #creationism #televangelism
Marcus Lamb died of #COVID19 after his network discouraged vaccines. But some Christian leaders don’t want to talk about it.
#televangelism #christianright #antivaxxers #covid19
Televangelists are going kookoo over this election. How do they keep their tax-free status?
#Makarabaklakaka #SpeakingInForkedTongues
#SpeakingInForkedTongues #Makarabaklakaka #conmen #televangelism #evangelism #jesus
Televangelists are going kookoo over this election. How do they keep their tax-free status?
#Makarabaklakaka #SpeakingInForkedTongues
#SpeakingInForkedTongues #Makarabaklakaka #conmen #televangelism #evangelism #jesus
much powerful...
#feel #power #holyghost #christiancult #stage #podium #possessed #monotheism #religion #cults #televangelists #televangelism #vidcap #animatedgif
#holyghost #christiancult #stage #podium #possessed #monotheism #religion #cults #televangelists #televangelism #vidcap #animatedgif #feel #power
much powerful...
#feel #power #holyghost #christiancult #stage #podium #possessed #monotheism #religion #cults #televangelists #televangelism #vidcap #animatedgif
#feel #power #holyghost #christiancult #stage #podium #possessed #monotheism #religion #cults #televangelists #televangelism #vidcap #animatedgif
much powerful...
#feel #power #holyghost #christiancult #stage #podium #possessed #monotheism #religion #cults #televangelists #televangelism #vidcap #animatedgif
#feel #power #holyghost #christiancult #stage #podium #possessed #monotheism #religion #cults #televangelists #televangelism #vidcap #animatedgif