#magats didn’t read the #indictment - let them watch the real apprentice
#magats #indictment #televisetrumptrial
Of course Trump's lawyers are going to oppose having cameras in the courtroom during his #ConspiracyTrial....it will show the American people the truth...facts...something Trump and his allies are very unfamiliar with. 😡 ⚠️
This trial MUST be televised or we will never know what REALLY happened in that courtroom...we'll only get biased false versions spewed to their minions by Fox, OANN, Newsmax, Breitbart, etc.
Trump trial in DC MUST be televised!
#conspiracytrial #televisetrumptrial
For more read #NealKatyal’s WaPo article 'Why the #Trump trial should be televised'
#PetitionToTeleviseTrumpTrial #TrumpTrial #FederalCourts #TeleviseTrumpTrial #Transparency #Propaganda #Spin #Bias #Narrative #Optics #Media #Uninformed #MediaLiteracy #Indictment #Jan6 #ElectionInterference #Conspiracy #Fraud #Obstruction #Insurrection #Coup #PublicInterest #RightToVote #Vote #Law #Legal #SpecialCounsel #JohnRoberts
#nealkatyal #trump #petitiontotelevisetrumptrial #trumptrial #federalcourts #televisetrumptrial #transparency #propaganda #spin #bias #narrative #optics #media #uninformed #medialiteracy #indictment #jan6 #electioninterference #conspiracy #fraud #obstruction #insurrection #coup #publicinterest #righttovote #vote #law #legal #specialcounsel #johnroberts
Perhaps the real reason for disallowing cameras in federal courtrooms is to protect the levers of ruling-class power, e.g., by filtering through the "mainstream" (ruling-class controlled) media.
"Oh, [pearl-clutching], just imagine the circus that might happen otherwise ...", as if judges have never had to deal with theatrics before. Please.
#CamerasInCourtrooms #TeleviseTrumpTrial
#publicinterest #camerasincourtrooms #televisetrumptrial #decentralize
#Trump is running to become the leader of a country he is “alleged” to not only have attacked, but also to have denied its citizens of their #RightToVote & have their #vote counted, the core defining principles on which a democratic republic is based. If the allegations are proven, he cannot be allowed to run let alone win. People must have this information #unfiltered w/o #spin.
#PetitionToTeleviseTrumpTrial #TeleviseTrumpTrial #TrumpTrial
#trump #righttovote #vote #unfiltered #spin #petitiontotelevisetrumptrial #televisetrumptrial #trumptrial
Sign this #Petition to #TeleviseTrumpTrial
In the selective #news #media environment of the day, it is in the best interest of the public for Trump’s trial on his #ElectionInterference, #conspiracy, & involvement in the #Jan6 #insurrection to be televised. Too many people get their information from #biased sources that often omit anything that does not support their preferred #narrative. This creates a situation where we have an #UninformedElectorate.
#petition #televisetrumptrial #news #media #electioninterference #conspiracy #jan6 #insurrection #biased #narrative #uninformedelectorate