Thanks to my colleague Jan Pawlowski for the invitation to talk about Wellbeing driven Design for Future Mobility Scenarios and to all the students from #Telkom #University and #HRW #Informatik for the interesting discussion.
#PositiveComputing #AutomatedDriving #mobility
#International #Intercultural #indonesia
#diversity #inclusion
#education #research
#UX #HCI #menschtechnikinteraktion
#telkom #University #hrw #informatik #positivecomputing #automateddriving #mobility #international #intercultural #indonesia #diversity #inclusion #education #research #ux #HCI #menschtechnikinteraktion
Golden Fireballs Team Manager Wandile Dlodlo reflects on the team being honoured at the 2022 gsport Annual List of Newsmakers event. She also chats about the importance of the #WorldCupWednesday campaign.
#MondayMotivation #Momentum #Telkom
#worldcupwednesday #mondaymotivation #momentum #telkom
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Are you a girl or woman in sport? Athlete? Journalist? Content Creator? Administrator? Coach? Physical, Mental and/or Wellness Practitioner?
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Mobile cash transactions hit record Sh5.2trn on phone payment reliefs
"An amount equivalent to] half of the country’s estimated GDP."
"The monthly volume of person-to-person transactions increased by 87 per cent between February and October 2020.”
"Safaricom controls 98.8 percent of the mobile money market."
#Kenya #MobileMoney #Safaricom #mPesa #Airtel #Telkom #P2P #Mobile #Money #Agent #CBK #Velocity #GDP #LipaNaMPesa #MerchantPayments #CashInCashOut #CICO #Cash
#cash #CICO #CashInCashOut #MerchantPayments #LipaNaMPesa #gdp #velocity #CBK #agent #money #mobile #p2p #telkom #airtel #Mpesa #safaricom #MobileMoney #kenya