@AtRiskArtists RT by @badiucao: @PENAmerica & @atriskartists condemn the online smear campaign against Chinese dissident artist @badiucao, which was likely orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party. This is the CCP’s latest move in attacking & censoring the artist & their artwork overseas #TellChinasStoryWell https://nitter.hongkongers.net/AtRiskArtists/status/1672335384074764288#m
@LennyBusker3 RT by @badiucao: PCC ha lanciato una massiccia campagna diffamatoria contro @badiucao dopo l'apertura della mostra di Varsavia #TellChinasStoryWell aiutiamo Badiucao a segnalare unici due account che gli appartengono sono @badiucao & la mia tipografia @badiucaoartshop https://nitter.hongkongers.net/LennyBusker3/status/1671811413243772928#m
CCP has lunched a massive impersonating smear campaign against me after my Warsaw exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell opening. Please be aware of them and report! 💪The only two accounts belong to me is @badiucao & my print shop @badiucaoartshop 💪 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1671801609595043841#m
.@WSJ 's coverage on my Warsaw show #TellChinasStoryWell #讲好中国故事 at @u_jazdowski contemporary art center China Tries to Cancel Badiucao’s Art Show in Poland great writing by @JillianKayM https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-tries-to-cancel-an-art-show-in-poland-badiucao-repression-diplomat-australia-2ef4f1f3 via @WSJopinion https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1671419084095868929#m
🥚💥Thoughtful and beautiful coverage from @SBSNews on my new Poland exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell #讲好中国故事 👏Great job to @LinEvlin @TysOcchiuzzi https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1670356087185326080#m
@tweetforAnna RT by @badiucao: 🔴Failed 🇨🇳 #censorship attempt: #Warsaw 🇵🇱 to host critical art show „#TellChinasStoryWell” by 🇨🇳 dissident artist @badiucao, despite protests from #China’s officials. #Polska #Poland #Chine #cenzura #ingérence #CCPChina #XiJinping #中国 #CCP #Chrl https://www.polskieradio.pl/395/7791/Artykul/3187756,warsaw-to-host-show-by-chinese-dissident-artist-despite-protests-from-china%E2%80%99s-officials https://nitter.hongkongers.net/tweetforAnna/status/1668609534921695236#m
#censorship #warsaw #tellchinasstorywell #china #polska #poland #chine #cenzura #ingerence #ccpchina #xijinping #中国 #ccp #chrl
#Breaking 🇵🇱 @u_jazdowski art center ‘s website is briefly down for unknown reason. The art center is hosting my new exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell on June 16. Yesterday Chinese embassy visited venue again to express complain against the show. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1668525089732665346#m
#breaking #tellchinasstorywell
@badiucao RT by @AnnaKwokFY: Chinese Counselor Yao Dongye visited @u_jazdowski today for the 2nd time to state how much my exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell will hurt image of Xi and “feelings” for Chinese patriots in Warsaw. He also refused accepting the show poster as my gift,which hurts my feeling a lot! https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1668362567016755200#m
@LennyBusker3 RT by @badiucao: Il consigliere cinese Yao Dongye ha visitato @u_jazdowski oggi per la seconda volta per affermare quanto la mia (di @badiucao) mostra #TellChinasStoryWell danneggerà l'immagine di Xi e i "sentimenti" dei patrioti cinesi a Varsavia ha rifiutato di accettare il poster della mostra https://nitter.hongkongers.net/LennyBusker3/status/1668365546893504512#m
Chinese Counselor Yao Dongye visited @u_jazdowski today for the 2nd time to state how much my exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell will hurt image of Xi and “feelings” for Chinese patriots in Warsaw. He also refused accepting the show poster as my gift,which hurts my feeling a lot! https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1668362567016755200#m
First Aussie coverage for my Warsaw exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell #讲好中国故事 Chinese government attempts to shut down exhibition by Australian artist Badiucao From @latikambourke https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/chinese-government-attempts-to-shut-down-exhibition-by-australian-artist-badiucao-20230605-p5de3e.html https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1668345074969882625#m
My latest interview with a Polish national TV @TVPWorld_com about new Warsaw exhibition in @u_jazdowski art center on June 16. 我在波兰国家电视台聊 新展览 #讲好中国故事 #TellChinasStoryWell https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1667515614510866432#m
@mkorealee RT by @badiucao: 호주 거주 반중 예술가 바디우카오, #TellChinasStoryWell 폴란드 전시회 취소를 위해 폴란드 주재 중공 대사관의 전방위 압력에 대해 반발..전시 내용은 천안문 사태에 대한 역사 조작 비판, 코비드 봉쇄, 위구르 탄압, 러우전에서 중러의 밀착 등 중공의 더러운 실태 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/mkorealee/status/1667501544881930241#m
#TellChinasStoryWell #讲好中国故事 Please support my coming Warsaw show with @u_jazdowski. The show is currently under threat from China's embassy in Poland. Freedom will always win! Show info:https://u-jazdowski.pl/program/wystawy/oswiadczenie-w-nbsp-sprawie-naciskow-ambasady-chinskiej-republiki-ludowej-na-nbsp-csw-zamek https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1667498370573664259#m
@AtRiskArtists RT by @badiucao: “We condemn the Chinese government for trying to stop this exhibition from taking place. ARC & our partners around the world stand in solidarity with Badiucao & the CCA Ujazdowski Castle," said ARC Director Julie Trébault Statement: https://bit.ly/3J5iXha #TellChinasStoryWell https://nitter.hongkongers.net/AtRiskArtists/status/1667307320076804100#m
R to @badiucao: 4. Chinese embassy in Poland @ChinaEmbPoland threats to cancel my coming exhibition “#TellChinasStoryWell” via pressuring @u_jazdowski art center and Polish Culture Ministry. Here is the statement and rejection to this aggression of CCP from the museum. https://u-jazdowski.pl/program/wystawy/oswiadczenie-w-nbsp-sprawie-naciskow-ambasady-chinskiej-republiki-ludowej-na-nbsp-csw-zamek https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1667183797295611904#m
@badiucao RT by @jooeysiiu: Chinese embassy in Poland @ChinaEmbPoland threats to cancel my coming exhibition “#TellChinasStoryWell” via pressuring @u_jazdowski art center and Polish Culture Ministry. Here is the statement and rejection to this aggression of CCP from the museum. 1/N https://u-jazdowski.pl/program/wystawy/oswiadczenie-w-nbsp-sprawie-naciskow-ambasady-chinskiej-republiki-ludowej-na-nbsp-csw-zamek https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1667162937591578627#m
Chinese embassy in Poland @ChinaEmbPoland threats to cancel my coming exhibition “#TellChinasStoryWell” via pressuring @u_jazdowski art center and Polish Culture Ministry. Here is the statement and rejection to this aggression of CCP from the museum. 1/N https://u-jazdowski.pl/program/wystawy/oswiadczenie-w-nbsp-sprawie-naciskow-ambasady-chinskiej-republiki-ludowej-na-nbsp-csw-zamek https://nitter.hongkongers.net/badiucao/status/1667162937591578627#m
@Peterinexile RT by @badiucao: Coming to Europe this month - @badiucao's exhibition #TellChinasStoryWell. https://u-jazdowski.pl/en/programme/exhibitions/chiny-opowiesc-prawdziwa https://nitter.hongkongers.net/Peterinexile/status/1666044963405045760#m