Fox News literally fears the truth. Their programming is so driven by lies that failing to deliver them poses an existential threat to the trash trough’s ratings success, revenue streams, and ultimately Fox News itself.
Fox panders to ignorant, hateful, paranoid audiences, and they do so sans reservations or the slightest shame.
#FoxNews #RupertMurdoch #SeanHannity #TuckerCarlson #LauraIngraham #MAGA #FeedingIdiots #TellingLies #lies #propaganda
#Propaganda #lies #tellinglies #feedingidiots #MAGA #lauraingraham #tuckercarlson #seanhannity #rupertmurdoch #foxnews
Happy anniversary to David Bowie’s album, ‘EART HL I NG’. Released this week in 1997. #bowie #davidbowie #earthling #tellinglies #littlewonder #deadmanwalking #sevenyearsintibet #imafraidofamericans #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #bowieforever
#bowie #davidbowie #earthling #tellinglies #littlewonder #deadmanwalking #sevenyearsintibet #imafraidofamericans #bowieismylordandsavior #churchofbowie #imjustaspacecadetandhesthecommander #BowieForever
In what seems to be becoming a habit, I have finished a game only days before it leaves #GamePass. This time it's #TellingLies, which I didn't notice until I was halfway through #Immortality, also by Sam Barlow. They are unusual games, and not everyone will like searching through video clips or going down rabbit holes to find new links, but it's right up my street. I love the 'aha' moment when a new piece of the puzzle fits into place.
#PCGames #SamBarlow
#sambarlow #pcgames #immortality #tellinglies #gamepass
Check out these gorgeous covers for "#ANNAPURNA: VIDEOJUEGOS DESDE LA CIMA" from Sofía Francisco and #HeroesdePapel ♥️
I don't speak Spanish, but this book is high on the list!
#WROEF #WhatRemainsOfEdithFinch #Flower #Gorogoa #Florence #DonutCounty #OuterWilds #GoneHome #Ashen #Journey #TellingLies #SayonaraWildHearts #Wattam #KentuckyRouteZero #IfFound #TheUnfinishedSwan #TwelveMinutes #TheArtfulEscape #Maquette #ThePathless #Stray #Gaming #Book #Books #Bookstodon
#donutcounty #bookstodon #Books #book #Gaming #stray #ThePathless #maquette #TheArtfulEscape #twelveminutes #theunfinishedswan #iffound #KentuckyRouteZero #Wattam #sayonarawildhearts #tellinglies #journey #ashen #gonehome #outerwilds #florence #Gorogoa #flower #whatremainsofEdithFinch #wroef #heroesdepapel #Annapurna
Is it me, or does the desktop interface in "Telling Lies" looks like Ubuntu?
Telling Lies, Donut County leave Game Pass at the end of January
#TellingLies #DonutCountry #GamePass #Xbox #Microsoft #Gaming
#tellinglies #donutcountry #gamepass #xbox #microsoft #gaming
Well...This is going to be an interesting game...It's time for #TellingLies -
Remember Her Story, one of the most award winning indie games of all time; a game so *amazing* it even caused some people to ask, “How is this a game!??” Well... here's the follow up, #TellingLies. PLEASE wishlist and follow ❤️