Manchmal ist es echt schwer, nicht laut mitzusingen, wenns im Supermarkt Backstreet Boys spielen.
#TellMeWhy #musik
Oh, almost forgot it is saturday. #Stream is happening in fifteen minutes at 8pm CET. We'll do Episode 3 of #TellMeWhy today.
#TellMeWhy continues on #stream today with Episode 2. Be there or be square at 8pm CET, half an hour from now, over at
We doing a litte Pride Month #stream with another interactive movie game. Episode 1 of #TellMeWhy at 8pm CET, half an hour from now, over at
:heart_rainbow: :heart_transgender: Free in June on #Steam:
"Tell Me Why" is a captivating narrative adventure exploring family dynamics, secrets, and memory. With its compelling story, well-rounded characters, and thought-provoking themes, immerse yourself in its beautifully crafted world, make tough choices, and unravel mysteries. A heartfelt journey that lingers.
#steam #pride #trans #tellmewhy
This is a great game, but every time I hear the title, all I can think about is Backstreet Boys and Brooklyn 99.
Episodic adventure Tell Me Why is free to keep for all of Pride Month
#TellMeWhy #DontNod #SquareEnix #BackstreetBoys #Brooklyn99 #GamingNews
#tellmewhy #dontnod #squareenix #backstreetboys #brooklyn99 #gamingnews
Tell Me Why è gratis per tutto giugno per il Pride Month
May 26, 2023 - Day 146 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 162
Game: Tell Me Why
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Aug 27, 2020
Library Date: Jun 2, 2022
Unplayed: 358d (11m24d)
Playtime: 82m
I was talking with some trans friends earlier tonight and mentioned that I was going to have to dip and play tonight's game, and one of them suggested "Tell Me Why".
As it turns out, Tell Me Why IS one of the games in my pile of shame. I grabbed it last year when it was released free for Pride Month, and I'm kind of glad that I didn't play it immediately, as it hits differently on the other side of coming out, and starting to transition.
Tell Me Why is a point-and-click adventure game from the makers of Life Is Strange, that tells the story of two twins (one of whom is a trans man), their psychic link, and the murder of their mother.
There's something very realistic about this game. This is (so far) a world that feels lived-in, with an environment that feels like it has an actual past.
The voice acting is excellent (with the trans character being played by a trans actor), but also telling a story that's interesting, moving, and not just a "trans story".
But, it is *also* a trans story, & it evoked some incredibly strong emotions as I saw a young character engaging with their transness in a way that I could not at that age.
This game may take over my weekend.
Tell Me Why is:
5: Excellent
#TellMeWhy #PointAndClick
#Adventure #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#tellmewhy #pointandclick #adventure #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
▫️Tell Me Why
▫️Don't Nod
▫️Xbox One
#virtualphotography #dontnodentertainment #tellmewhy #xboxgamestudios #xbox #xboxseriesx #xboxseriess #xboxgamepass #pc
#VirtualPhotography #dontnodentertainment #tellmewhy #xboxgamestudios #xbox #xboxseriesx #xboxseriess #XboxGamePass #pc
Mit Erschrecken festgestellt: Der
@burgerme_DE Laden bei mir (HB Nord) hat zugemacht und der nächste beliefert uns nicht.
#tellmewhy #noburgers #mesohungry
@hubertaiwanger Ski fahren ersetzen durch Wandern. Wo ist das Problem? Kunstschnee zu Zeiten der Energiekrise klingt nach einem Schildbürgerstreich. #nichtumjedenPreis #Klimawandel #tellmewhy
#nichtumjedenpreis #klimawandel #tellmewhy
What is the best job you've ever had and why?
#Jobs #BestJob #BestJobs #TellMeWhy #Question #Questions #QOTD #QuestionOfTheDay
#jobs #bestjob #bestjobs #tellmewhy #question #questions #qotd #questionoftheday
#Overcooked2 #Pokemon #Portal2 #RainbowSixSiege #RDR2 #Rocksmith #ShadowOfMordor #Shenmue #Sims4 #Splatoon3 #TellMeWhy #TheDarkPicturesAnthology #Vigor #WatchDogs #WeWereHere (sur Switch et Xbox Series X)
Je navigue entre périodes de repos, prendre soin de moi et nourrir le lien avec mes diverses relations, prendre soin de la bouture qu'on m'a offert, fitness, balades à vélo, militantisme, le collectif et l'associatif, les évènements culturels et/ou queer, hibernation avec plaid, chocolat chaud
#overcooked2 #pokemon #Portal2 #rainbowsixsiege #rdr2 #rocksmith #shadowofmordor #shenmue #sims4 #Splatoon3 #tellmewhy #thedarkpicturesanthology #vigor #watchdogs #wewerehere
max. 20 yrs old man got offended after I asked him to move in public transport: ,I AM sitting ON MY seat‘ - while actually sitting in the middle of two seats an blocking 4 before I entered. After that he put some extra energy in manspreading against my backpack #tellmewhy
Besuchen Sie: und sehen Sie sich das Gameplay an.
Kennen Sie das Psychonauts-Spiel? Dieser klassische Action-Adventure-Platformer des gefeierten Entwicklers Double Fine Productions folgt der Geschichte eines jungen Hellsehers namens Razputin.
#Gaming #Spiele #Gamer #Videospiele #Gameplay #Youtube #Videos #Xbox #GamePass #XboxGamePass #XCloud #Cloud #XboxCloudGaming #Spielen #Walkthrough #Youtuber #TellMeWhy #XboxGameStudio #sysadminday
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Besuchen Sie: und sehen Sie sich das Gameplay an.
Kennen Sie das Tell Me Why-Spiel? Tell Me Why ist das neueste Storytelling-Abenteuerspiel von DONTNOD Entertainment, dem Studio hinter der beliebten Life is Strange-Franchise.
#Gaming #Spiele #Gamer #Videospiele #Gameplay #Youtube #Videos #Xbox #GamePass #XboxGamePass #XCloud #Cloud #XboxCloudGaming #Spielen #Walkthrough #Youtuber #TellMeWhy #XboxGameStudio
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Recordad que este mes está gratis el juego #TellMeWhy en Xbox consola/pc y steam. Nos animan a invertir lo que hubiésemos gastado en el juego en asociaciones y causas LGBT+
'Tell me Why' Running on Linux with Proton: #linux #linuxgaming #proton #steamplay #tellmewhy
#linux #linuxgaming #proton #steamplay #tellmewhy