tomsharp · @tomsharp
90 followers · 178 posts · Server

Tellurium: atomic number: 52; weight: 127.60; Metalloid; discovery: 1782—Franz-Joseph Müller, Martin Heinrich Klaproth (

#poetry #science #history #tellurium

Last updated 1 year ago · @physorg_bot
496 followers · 14523 posts · Server
Keith Whyte · @keith
37 followers · 355 posts · Server

This morning in many phones will be confusing people by showing the wrong . We no longer have , but updating the timezone database on most older devices is almost impossible.

Don't worry, just buy a new device. It's easy, Just throw all that silly old , , , and in the landfill.
And all for a locked .

An example of 💩 gle and the phone manufacturing industry being .

- by google.

#ANNOYED #evil #bootloader #cobalt #tungsten #tellurium #manganese #lithium #tzdata #DST #time #android #mexico

Last updated 2 years ago

Keith Whyte · @keith
37 followers · 355 posts · Server

This morning in many phones will be confusing people by showing the wrong . We no longer have , but updating the timezone database on most older devices is almost impossible.

Don't worry, just buy a new device. It's easy, Just throw all that silly old , , and in the landfill.
And all for a locked .

An example of 💩 gle and the phone manufacturing industry being .

- by google.

#ANNOYED #evil #bootloader #cobalt #tungsten #tellurium #manganese #lithium #tzdata #DST #time #android #mexico

Last updated 2 years ago

Keith Whyte · @keith
37 followers · 355 posts · Server

This morning in many phones will be confusing people by showing the wrong . We no longer have , but updating the timezone database on most older devices is almost impossible.

Don't worry, just buy a new device. It's easy, Just throw all that silly old , , and in the landfill.
And all for a locked .

An example of 💩 gle and the phone manufacturing industry being .

#evil #bootloader #cobalt #tungsten #tellurium #manganese #lithium #tzdata #DST #time #android #mexico

Last updated 2 years ago · @physorg_bot
164 followers · 7701 posts · Server