What do you use for smoking, hickory?
#elliekposts #tempehmaking #WFPB #vegan #veganfood #smokedfood #tempeh #protein #soyisgoodforyou #soytempeh #homecooking
#elliekposts #tempehmaking #WFPB #vegan #veganfood #smokedfood #tempeh #protein #soyisgoodforyou #soytempeh #homecooking
@Jane_Says I will — plus I update the original post with a photo of, and comment on, the final outcome.
You can see a list of the various kinds of tempeh I've made in that post on the method I worked out:
#tempeh #tempehmaking #tempehphotos
That looks very good. Even as I type this, I am preparing a batch of tempeh. I like to use beans/lentils and intact whole grain, 50-50 (cooked separately). Today it will be Kamut wheat and DuPuy lentils.
I'm trying a new starter, one from TopCultures.
I also like to ferment my own mix of vegetables — e.g., https://leisureguy.wordpress.com/2022/08/11/red-one/
Here's the tempeh method I use, with links to various combinations.
#tempeh #tempehmaking #fermenting